MH for Flowering?

Brick Top

New Member
& for some reason I want to hear more about these gamma rays from BT :D kekekekeke

The person to ask is the jokester who was pulling legs saying; "I like to get those gamma ray's on my plants to hulk them Try it for yourself if you don't like what happens try something different."


Active Member
Sad thing is, I created this thread and I try to stay out of it. You're all getting into an argument about a light...lmao. The question was "Can you use an MH for flowering?" I probably should have put "should" instead of "can" Anyway there are those people on here that are die heard HPS fans and jerk off to their high wattage hps lights. Then there are those who use MH who think they are doing just as good with that instead of HPS. Maybe they are right, maybe not. It doesn't matter if you post a bunch of charts and tables of comparisons between the two. The only that matters is when you stick that fucker above your plants and grow them and that plant comes to harvest day and you are trim happy and what not and you weigh it and inspect the quality. Why are you guys arguing over which is better? Really? I didn't put the title as Which is better? HPS or MH. So, if you're going to sit here and type a paragraph or two on why HPS is better or MH is better or w/e your thing is then use the search button and find a thread that has the title MH vs HPS or whatever and argue there. By the way, just because someone has an opinion or a bunch of tables and charts about a light. Doesn't make it better for another person. It's personal preference. Stay high you stoner fucks! (I say that with respect) bongsmilie :leaf:


Well-Known Member
actually I thought this thread was becoming quite informative. Theres nothing wrong with providing information to each other. I don't see it as an arguement.

I answered the OP by stating that MH were the best option in the past before HPS came out and growers were quite successful but that there is no denying HPS is more productive. Having gotten that out of the way I think it would be good to use this active thread to discuss some of the better ways to use MH for flowering.

I would still like to know if a sativa plant ought to have more blue light than an indica during flower, given that sativas naturally grow in a climate that recieves blue light all season.