MH , dual or HPS flower which when?


Hi i ve got two places fro lamp in vertical :

Can you advise me what is better Mh and dual in grow or only 2x MH, or 2x dual spectrum ?

What about flowering 2x flower , mix or 2 dual spec ?

thx for advice

Can you explain why.... ( your choice)


Active Member
If i understood your question correctly I'd say 2 mh for veg and then a mix of mh and hps for flower. The combination of both for flowering will give you a broader spectrum of color to your light more closely mimicking the sun. This helps give the plant all it needs to fully develop.


thx a lot for answer.
Yes I got two vertical cool tubes one above another. And im thinking what lamp i need to buy for veg and for flower.
Is it not like that if you use Mh plus flower lamp that bottom will have more blue spectrum than top and top more red than bottom>? Or light will mix ...


Well-Known Member
use the dual spectrum from start to finish,the duals have some blue in there so theyve got a broader spectrum than a standard hps.


use the dual spectrum from start to finish,the duals have some blue in there so theyve got a broader spectrum than a standard hps.
They have both, but not so wide in blue and not so wide in red... So they are like in the middle and question is it so important to have wider spectrum or not....

Im using now dual for grow and its really ok. (i add second flower bulb) perfect yeld. But i was thinking to use grow bulb in veg to have even better :P But yes that are additional cost and it is a little hard to replace it in my situation