MG veg and flower


Active Member
I am using this soil, its fert analysis is 0.15 - 0.05 - 0.10.

I've noticed a bit of brown tips, assuming its nutes since I'm in MG..

my soil says it can feed UP TO 3 months.

since I've notices these marks, I was wondering would it be bad to mix my MG with sand?

I feel like it would, but I feel as thigh it would cut the amount of nutes down immensely. can any one give a reason as to why it would b beneficial or harmful? I would GREATLY appreciate it.


Active Member
Its nutes I've noticed it in multiple leaves, and stems are severely redded on some.

it gets noticeably worse every time I water.


New Member
Mix w per lite....better than sand IMO...and yes brown tips could b hot soil...I used mg w success but have healthier greener plants since switching.....I usea local greenhouse potting soil its more organic I stay away from all soils that are pre fertilized w continuous feeding.. ..IMO its bad for weed....weed is a sensitive plant I grow a lot of different things house plants garden plants trees bushes flower far weed is the most sensitive plant I've come across....but....I still use mg nutes when I feed...I tried Alaska fish feet and it was lacking...put em bk on a reg schedule of mg feeding...very small doses...and20130215_100436.jpg20130217_163025.jpgI feed quarter to half dose once a week and also Epsom salts every two weeks tsp per gallon....I also use mg bloom nutes same schedule w molasses


New Member
I hate to say this cause I used to b pro mg....I had awesome success w it...but since using a diff soil I now see using mg I constantly was having issues... I was able to maintain them but I feel like if using mg soil ur putting ur grow at risk for unnecessary probs.....if using mg don't feed.....I mean why would u when there prolly more than enuf in the soil already....more than ur young weed plants need anyway....and watch ur water cause watering activates the nutes even more the more u water the more nutes ur releasing....see why ppl knock mg?....don't get me wrong it Can b done....just takes extra skill and maintanence.


Well-Known Member
don't ever use any soil that says it "feeds". when you water it, the soil feeds the plant, sucks all the way around. i made the same mistake and transplanted them into promix. you can get some earthgro potting soil from walmart and it has nothing in it. you can mix the sand in if you want, i would use perlite or vermiculite. make sure they have nothing in them as well. sometimes they put N in the perlite. if so rinse it well several times before you use it if that's all you have :eyesmoke:


Active Member
don't ever use any soil that says it "feeds". when you water it, the soil feeds the plant, sucks all the way around. i made the same mistake and transplanted them into promix. you can get some earthgro potting soil from walmart and it has nothing in it. you can mix the sand in if you want, i would use perlite or vermiculite. make sure they have nothing in them as well. sometimes they put N in the perlite. if so rinse it well several times before you use it if that's all you have :eyesmoke:
I use pro mix as a base soil before I mix other things in, its great.