Mg deficiency??


Well-Known Member
image.jpg image.jpg do you guys think this is a magnesium deficiency? My leaves r starting to show this yellowish color on the tips and edges of my leaves


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like Mg def. I'm saying nute burn because of the location (edges, tip). But, it's more faded than burnt looking. Did you recently feed it? Any different about how/what you fed?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like Mg def. I'm saying nute burn because of the location (edges, tip). But, it's more faded than burnt looking. Did you recently feed it? Any different about how/what you fed?
No haven't done any feedings cuz I figured there was still enough nutes in the soil ph runoff seems fine watered it with 7.0 came out at about 6-6.5


Well-Known Member
What soil are you using? Maybe you're starting to see N def. Usually it looks more uniform paling, not concentrated at the edges and tips. You could add some AK Fish emulsion to your water.

You might try watering with 6.5 and let the soil experience some lower ph. It goes through a range from wet to dry. What were you planning to feed (and when)?


Well-Known Member
What soil are you using? Maybe you're starting to see N def. Usually it looks more uniform paling, not concentrated at the edges and tips. You could add some AK Fish emulsion to your water.

You might try watering with 6.5 and let the soil experience some lower ph. It goes through a range from wet to dry. What were you planning to feed (and when)?
I have jungle juice 3 part and also I have rx green solutions bloom A & B and grow A & B not sure which one to use. and the soil is peatmoss and mg perlite I know the mg is frowned upon but all I could get. they where in smaller 24 oz cups of mg organic choice before transplant but tha nutes in it only lasted up to two months and it's been over one and they say tha nutes in the perlite don't last long I was going to feed at first signs of deficiency but didn't know if I should feed when this came up


Well-Known Member
I think it's time to feed. Did you add dolomite lime to the peatmoss? (Or, did the peat's label say it had dolomite?). Peat can be acidic (although your runoff doesn't indicate a problem). But, dolomite is also a source of calcium and magnesium. As you feed you might see the peat react if there's not enough dolomite. It's seems common to add 1-2Tbsp dolomite per gallon of soil, even with higher-grade peat (like Pro-Mix). I use Fertilome Hy-Yield Agricultural Lime.

So, you might see an mg def. You may need some epsom salt eventually. Maybe gypsum to treat ca def. (Resist the siren song of calmag products. You don't need that in soil.).

I agree with dumme about K def. That would explain why it looks like a cross between nute burn and N def (the location vs color). It should stop with a feed. But, you can order some potassium sulfate from eBay or Amazon (Alpha International Chemical is the seller). That's handy to have on hand if you ever have a K def while feeding and wish to treat it individually. But, right now, it's probably ready for food generally.


Well-Known Member
There might be other factors as well.

*Water uptake- if the room is too humid, the plant might not be drinking as much. Not common, but possible.

*pH lockout- if the pH of the soil is below 6.0, she'll normally get lockout on "K", in soil.

*Mg/Cal- "K" reacts weird with Cal, Mg. They look similar with symptoms, unless you know what your dealing with. An excess of one of these will lockout the others.

*Fe- Lastly, if iron is not present, you'll normally have problems with all three.
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Well-Known Member
There might be other factors as well. *Water uptake- if the room is too humid, the plant might not be drinking as much. Not common, but possible.
*pH lockout- if the pH of the soil is below 6.0, she'll normally get lockout on "K", in soil.
*Mg/Cal- "K" reacts weird with Cal, Mg. They look similar with symptoms, unless you know what your dealing with. An excess of one of these will lockout the others.
*Fe- Lastly, if iron is not present, you'll normally have problems with all three.
Humidity is fine stays at about 50


Well-Known Member
I think it's time to feed. Did you add dolomite lime to the peatmoss? (Or, did the peat's label say it had dolomite?). Peat can be acidic (although your runoff doesn't indicate a problem). But, dolomite is also a source of calcium and magnesium. As you feed you might see the peat react if there's not enough dolomite. It's seems common to add 1-2Tbsp dolomite per gallon of soil, even with higher-grade peat (like Pro-Mix). I use Fertilome Hy-Yield Agricultural Lime.

So, you might see an mg def. You may need some epsom salt eventually. Maybe gypsum to treat ca def. (Resist the siren song of calmag products. You don't need that in soil.).

I agree with dumme about K def. That would explain why it looks like a cross between nute burn and N def (the location vs color). It should stop with a feed. But, you can order some potassium sulfate from eBay or Amazon (Alpha International Chemical is the seller). That's handy to have on hand if you ever have a K def while feeding and wish to treat it individually. But, right now, it's probably ready for food generally.
Yes I added about 15 Tbl spoons to 12 gallons of soil but the transplant is only a week old. Should I give a light feeding of jungle juice?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't dose much. Id start light and work to a higher EC. Watch your plant close, they look pretty young for a lot of nutrients. Perlite won't hold the nutrients like vermiculite will, so that's probably where your deficiencies are.


Well-Known Member
Yes I added about 15 Tbl spoons to 12 gallons of soil but the transplant is only a week old. Should I give a light feeding of jungle juice?
Yes, I would feed. (I would recommend another product because I think AN is overpriced hype made by crooked people. But, people use it and it's what you have. Nutrients are nutrients. It should work like anything else.).

I can't offer advice about strength. Typically people feed less than what a bottle instructs. But, JJ migt be different. You could google about how people use JJ. (If you post to the nutrient forum you might find opinions that aren't as mild as mine.).

I like your soil. It looks good. I don't use vermiculite. I would only use it if I grew under HID lights which dry the soil faster due to radiant heat (I've heard). I add some barky Kellogg Patio Plus (potting mix) to mine. I do 60% Pro-Mix HP+Myco, 20% Kellogg, 20% perlite (and 1Tbsp dolomite/gal). Sounds like you're pretty close to that. The appearance of yours looked like mine. I have to water every 2-3 days.