Mg deficiency? PH problem?? Halp!


What's up guys, total noob on these forums, but not too new to the cultivation game.

I've got an indoor setup using organic potting soil under a 400W MH in veg. Some of the leaves started turning sort of waxy/shiny looking and curling upwards. Small holes started to appear as well. I have never seen this before and consulted a buddy of mine who knows way more about this stuff than me and he seems to think it's caused by either a Mg deficiency, PH problem, or too much direct air on the plant, (non-oscillating but dinky little Walmart fan).

I checked the PH and it is at or just slightly above 7. I don't think water has been a problem. I moved the fan further away from the plants, and I'm pretty sure heat isn't an issue. I'm thinking about adding something to drop the PH and/or adding epsom salts, but wanted to get a 2nd opinion first. Anybody got any idea what's up??

A note about the pictures (taken about 3 weeks ago): All plants pictured are from the same batch of White Rhino clones. I got them by surprise from a friend and killed 2/3 of them in the process (clone noob too) but got these survivors going strong outside until they started sexing, so I bought a light, moved the operation indoors. The two on the right have been repotted and definitely got shocked by the flower->veg/repotting, but have been vigorous even though I'm getting a few single finger leaves now. The teeny tiny one is somehow hanging on to life and has actually grown about twice this size since these pics were taken. The large one was the first I noticed this problem, but the other two are showing it now too, same soil, same everything except for the re-potting.

(EDIT: Forgot to mention the only nutes I've used is the standard water soluble Miracle Grow, but not to excess)


hey man your ph level should most def. be between 5.5-6.5..........6.3 is about perfect. marijuana plants are an acid loveing plant so you should change it immediately