MG bloom booster OR. black strap molasses?


Active Member
hey i was wondering its my first grow and im going into the flowering atm
i need some personal input please and thank you:joint:DSC00683.jpg

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
We used MG and can't complain. Lots of people on here bash it, but you make do with what you got/ can get.

Now, whether it's too early or late or whatever to start fertilizing it... I have no clue.
Sorry dude. :confused:

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Molasses is good stuff! I used it back in the day but was still learning about nutes on all other levels that I couldn't fully realize it's benefits. After getting down a solid understand of feeding and now recently switching back to 100% organic molasses, I can say the results are already obvious... Bigger flowers! Faster trichome production! And hopefully sweeter flavors! =)


Active Member
thanks i might go with the molasses i been using MG fert and i dont have any complains.
i just might add the molasses since im already using some MG


Active Member
thanks i might go with the molasses i been using the MG fert it triple my plants since in 1 month.
so i dont want too much MG or to get nute burn this far in


Active Member
yeh molasses starts a biological function in the soil... creating little microbial life essentail for bigs buds... the simple sugars are good for the plant and the micro life... the nutes are for flowering in general. i use molasses during almost every watering.

so i might do Nutes one day the next just water and molasses... then continue until harvest


Active Member
why not both? isnt molasses completely different from a 15-30-15 nute? educate me if i am mistaken
well i cant educate you... this my first grow and im trying to learn still..
so i dont know if your sitting there reading my post and saying "this guy doesn't even know what he's talking about"
cause i dont i just want to learn and you didn't anwser anything to do with my question.
im still nooby to the N-P-P thing like can someone explain that too?


Active Member
[/QUOTE]so i might do Nutes one day the next just water and molasses... then continue until harvest[/QUOTE]

isn't that bad to water them everyday?
i water then let it soak n dry and come back 3-4 days later for another feeding.


Active Member
I use both "unsulphered" molasses and MG bloom both in a little mix of mine i've xo e to use over the last.....month......ha
I use 1 tsp of bloom. 1/2 tsp of epsomsalt every other feeding, and about a tsp of mollasses. Make sure and heat up the syrup into a smaller container so it is less viscouse (sp?) or syrupy then dilute into 1 gallon of water and I also used
MG veg as well and not once did I hae a problem wit nute burn just take it easy with the MG
That's all start with half and adjust from her closely to make sure she reacts ok though


well i cant educate you... this my first grow and im trying to learn still..
so i dont know if your sitting there reading my post and saying "this guy doesn't even know what he's talking about"
cause i dont i just want to learn and you didn't anwser anything to do with my question.
im still nooby to the N-P-P thing like can someone explain that too?
It wasn't directed to you.
And yes i did answer.. i said use both if you want..they are separate things that have different effects on the plant. I just didn't want you thinking that you have to choose one or the other.
Personally i wouldn't use MG cause its cheap chem crap.. but my friend uses it and his plants are amazing. The main thing is, they need N while in veg; P while in flowering.


Active Member
I've seen Stuff that's like 0-40-0 anyone seen or used this strength of P before???
I guess it's not that simple but I figured once or twice a flowering period like a steroid shot for her


Active Member
It wasn't directed to you.
And yes i did answer.. i said use both if you want..they are separate things that have different effects on the plant. I just didn't want you thinking that you have to choose one or the other.
Personally i wouldn't use MG cause its cheap chem crap.. but my friend uses it and his plants are amazing. The main thing is, they need N while in veg; P while in flowering.
thanks bro i wasn't trying to start a fight or anything ha.
but yeah im probably gonna buy bloom and molasses ha waste of a post but i know what to do now


Active Member
I've seen Stuff that's like 0-40-0 anyone seen or used this strength of P before???
I guess it's not that simple but I figured once or twice a flowering period like a steroid shot for her
that really does sound like steriods thats alot P.
i think you might wanna try that or something and let me know what happens.


Active Member
Molasses is not used directly by the plant. It is broken down in the soil by microbes into primarily nitrogen, potash and various micronutrients. The carbon is also a good source of energy for the microbes in the soil which allows them to multiply more frequently. More beneficial microbes in the soil means a healthier soil.

Chemical fertilizers already have the three primary minerals in a greater abundance than that provided by molasses, and MG also provides all of the essential micronutrients.

So what does this mean? Well, if you are using no chemical fertilizer and are attempting to grow completely organically then adding molasses may be of some help. If you are already using a complete chemical fertilizer, such as Miracle Grow Bloom, then I do not see what benefit you will get from adding molasses, as the chemical fertilizer already has everything the molasses has and in much greater amounts.

But if you want to add molasses it shouldn't hurt anything.


Molasses also adds potassium, which improves yield significantly. I pour a half a cup of pure organic crushed blackberry or grape juice per gallon of water every once in awhile. And i just watered with CHA CHING last night (9-50-10). I'll let you know how it goes.