MFGB: My First Grow Box


No thunder stolen at all, great to see more CFL growers. I'll keep an eye on your babies development as you log it :)


Active Member
Hey Ack. I just wanted to give you update. The reflector I made out aluminum trays/pans did cause burn holes in my plants. I lined the reflector with white heat resistant plastic to prevent this. Just an fyi, dont want you to burn your plants. I think you can just paint your roof white and let that function as your reflector. Raising the bottom to adjust plants to the light distance is a good idea to me. Like your enthusasim for the grow. Keep it up bro.


Thanks Crypnotic! I assume by "your enthusasim for the grow" means my posting 3 times as much as anyone else in my own thread, but even so, this is such a fascinating green thumb project, and getting on every day and watching peoples first grows turn out as the cutest little sprouts and then develop into these gorgeous buds, it just drives me!

So I got my second door added, got my magnet door stops added, next step is mylaring the inside and putting in fans, then lights and light/temp testing!

BTW - Crypnotic, I am probably gonna avoid the reflector for now.


Taped up some mylar inside the box last night, but I need to find a better, stronger way to secure it all up. The back panel of this box is that composite board, so its pretty crappy. Tried thumb tacks but couldn't get them into it.


Active Member
BTW - Crypnotic, I am probably gonna avoid the reflector for now.
In such a small space you will get away without one, as long as youve got plenty of mylar. Last grow was without one and i had tight nodes with no streching


Reviving an oldy. Wanted to show what I have done to the box and get some questions answered if possible.

Question: My house stays around 87-88º just about everywhere, even at night time it only drops down to 83º at best. Will these temps give me major issues?

Also, I finished mylar'ing, just need an extension cord and a surge protector, gonna try to integrate all the electronics attached to the box. Also gonna do some temp test runs later this week. I finally got in my new bulbs and oscillating fan, but 2 of the bulbs where broken, so back to amazon :(

Anywho, on to pics:

Light rack and finished interior.

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Here you can barely see my exhaust fan up top left.

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Hoping to get some bagseed germ'ing by next week, I feel like in this small space I should try with 10 and hope throughout that I get at least 4 females, that sound reasonable to you guys?


Haha, well, alot going on to distract from something that I would only want as a hobby. Hobbies fall to backburner when money gets tight.


I am indeed. This box is mainly done. Things I have added since last pics:

y-sockets for all lights, putting it up to 6 cfls
2ft 4-bulb t5 lightrack
6in duct fan

This box is mainly concluded. My next project is gonna be a minifridge that my faja gave me, appears to still run.