RIU Bulldog
The only thing you have to worry about when calling someone you thinks is Mexican, a Mexican, is if they're not a Mexican.
If you call a Puerto Rican or Cuban person Mexican, get ready for an earful.
It's like calling a Vietnamese guy Chinese or something.
Use Hispanic if you're not sure where they're from.
And lol@ the person who say calling a Mexican-mexican is offensive.
In fact, around my way, if you weren't born in Mexico, then they say you're not a 'real' Mexican. You're Chicano.
If you call a Puerto Rican or Cuban person Mexican, get ready for an earful.
It's like calling a Vietnamese guy Chinese or something.
Use Hispanic if you're not sure where they're from.
And lol@ the person who say calling a Mexican-mexican is offensive.
In fact, around my way, if you weren't born in Mexico, then they say you're not a 'real' Mexican. You're Chicano.