Mexican BrickWeed VS Today Weed


New Member
they just cut down the trees and ship it with all the leaves no trimming most of the bud is fan leaves and stems very little flowers right now a gram is $25 if i start growing some good medical grade bud how much should i charge for a gram

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
they just cut down the trees and ship it with all the leaves no trimming most of the bud is fan leaves and stems very little flowers right now a gram is $25 if i start growing some good medical grade bud how much should i charge for a gram
Shit from the looks of ur weed and the price info u gave us.. i say about 100 US dollars..bongsmilie
The difference is night and day,, the old shit was full of seeds, no real flavor, harsh etc..., nowadays flavor and thc/cbd levels are much higher and seeds are far and few between,, its the difference of eating an apple vs eating apple flavored koolaid crystals. In todays world of online seed banks etc.. i dont understand why everyone doesnt have great weed these days