Metro Mix 510 soil by Sun Gro Horticulture


Well-Known Member
I picked up some Metro Mix 510 soil by Sun Gro Horticulture at a local greenhouse and was wandering if anyone has used it before?It has a 35 to 45% bark,canadian sphagnum peat moss,horticulture grade vermiculite,bark ash,dolomite limestone,and a wetting agent in it.I want to know it I should add some perlite to it or not?The green house told me that they use this stuff for everything in the greenhouse.


Well-Known Member
I added some perlite to it and it seems to be pretty good.Turned out O.K. We'll see how the ladies turns out.I like the pro mix hp so far.


Yeah I did. I used it exclusively for over a decade before it became hard to find. I liked the 340 and the 380 as they both have less vermiculite (None in the 340) and they drain well. They have perlite already in it so it drains like a champ. I've mixed this soil with both bat guanos and have used it alone with just liquid fertilizer and it performs either way. This is the best soil ever made in my opinion.

I will say I was ALMOST as impressed with the Pro-Mix HP but it doesn't drain as well.

The 510 needs extra perlite to drain so yeah add it, but buying a different mix is easier.

Hope that helped.


Well-Known Member
Metro Mix 510 is some pretty fantastic stuff probably one of the best out there. Very old school mix, been around forever in the commercial greenhouse business. Not flashy, just a very high quality product, the bark throws you off a bit but hey it works. I knew a person in the late 80's early 90's that only used Metro Mix 510 and Dyna Grow with amazing results.