Meth (prepare yourselves)


bud bootlegger

the scabs and sores come from picking at yourself for hours n hours.I 'd feel little bumps like pimples and I'd trip the fuck out on 'em sometimes.I think its one of the ways how the meth leaves your body.
Around here,if you order a pizza then look for some meth you can be high before the pizza gets here...........................its not my thing/jus sayin'
thankfully for w/e reason meth was never really big on the east coast.. sure it's out there, but it's nowhere as big as say heroin or coke or ready..


New Member
thankfully for w/e reason meth was never really big on the east coast.. sure it's out there, but it's nowhere as big as say heroin or coke or ready..

its like pot with the school kids around here.Meth isn't big on the east coast b/c there is so much top notch coke n H.
Here it's all they know.It spans the generations of family's.Coke is so rare good shit is 650 a 1/8 and garbage H is over 300 a gram.Meth,aw shit anybody with a RV and 7th grade education can be in business


bud bootlegger
its like pot with the school kids around here.Meth isn't big on the east coast b/c there is so much top notch coke n H.
Here it's all they know.It spans the generations of family's.Coke is so rare good shit is 650 a 1/8 and garbage H is over 300 a gram.Meth,aw shit anybody with a RV and 7th grade education can be in business
i never really liked meth the few times i have tried it, but i've only snorted it.. to me, it was like drinking a big cup of coffee, not really much of a high associated with it.. like when i did coke, i'd feel like i was king of the world and wanted to f every chic who walked by, funny that if i did enough i couldn't get it up, but still felt like that, which i loved.. and like i said, i never really got any feelings like that from it other then just feeling sped up a bit.. not really my cup of tea.


Well-Known Member
I snorted meth once and it was terrible like at first your like man that's some good shit then you start getting paranoid and restless over all it sucked balls and I don't see why everyone likes that shit


New Member
Honestly, I thought you were going to say that's where you've been when you disappeared for a while


Well-Known Member
Oh tweekers...They'll jack your shit, and help you look for it.

That's actually true lol my brother stole one of my olde English and he helped me look for it so then I went to his house and HOLY FUCK it was there on his night stand and I was like o.0 whats that.... and he was like SOMEONE BROKE INTO MY HOUSE AND PUT THAT THERE
And I pulled a whole guilt trip move that was like I thought I could trust you but I guess I can't depend on anything anymore it worked to get a free pack of Marlboro reds and like a bowl pack of his weed


Virtually Unknown Member
i never really liked meth the few times i have tried it, but i've only snorted it.. to me, it was like drinking a big cup of coffee, not really much of a high associated with it.. like when i did coke, i'd feel like i was king of the world and wanted to f every chic who walked by, funny that if i did enough i couldn't get it up, but still felt like that, which i loved.. and like i said, i never really got any feelings like that from it other then just feeling sped up a bit.. not really my cup of tea.
tried crank back in the late 70's, snorting it. never much cared for it, but thank God there was Eskatrol and Bi-Amphetamine around when I wanted that buzz.


Well-Known Member
tried crank back in the late 70's, snorting it. never much cared for it, but thank God there was Eskatrol and Bi-Amphetamine around when I wanted that buzz.

The best thing that gives you energy and a awesome body buzz
Is phentermine hcl 37.5 milligrams I swear if you take one for like 4 hours you get the buzz but if you take two, well fuck it's crazy and its better and safer than meth and it's legal to


Well-Known Member
there was an abundant amount of meth on the east coast in the 60's, 70's and early 80's. nasty either based, brown crank mostly, if you had connections you could get crystal. then the coke became so much cheaper when the gov. started bringing it in. it's all poison in my mind now.


bud bootlegger
there was an abundant amount of meth on the east coast in the 60's, 70's and early 80's. nasty either based, brown crank mostly, if you had connections you could get crystal. then the coke became so much cheaper when the gov. started bringing it in. it's all poison in my mind now.
yeah, i was a bit young back then brimck, but i've heard that meth was bigger up till the 80's or so like you said when coke prices took a nose dive. back in the 70s from all i know and have heard, coke was pretty much a rich person's drug only, and you'd not see it around outside of certain circles.. idk what and why coke prices went way down, probably when the government started to bring the drug in, and also when crack took off in the early to mid 80's or so..
i used to be able to get crystal at raves back in the 90s, and have gotten some crank a few times, but not really into it..


Well-Known Member
yeah, i was a bit young back then brimck, but i've heard that meth was bigger up till the 80's or so like you said when coke prices took a nose dive. back in the 70s from all i know and have heard, coke was pretty much a rich person's drug only, and you'd not see it around outside of certain circles.. idk what and why coke prices went way down, probably when the government started to bring the drug in, and also when crack took off in the early to mid 80's or so..
i used to be able to get crystal at raves back in the 90s, and have gotten some crank a few times, but not really into it..

I hate that shit but besides the phentermine iam more of a downer person but I dont really like pills because they are to easy to get addicted to