Meth and Promethazine...unreal


New Member
So been up a few days and had some stomach issues, so my friend gives me a bottle of Promethazine that says take 1 tab 50mg for nausea. Being me I took 4 200mg total. I was very motion sickness feeling and I wanted it gone. I start feeling better and as the sun is going down, I begin to hallucinate unlike anything I've ever experienced. Frogs covering grassy surfaces. People...very real looking people, to the point that I'm having conversation with them. My house packed with party people, just making a mess of things...Me trying to kick them out, because I was waiting for delivery from a dude that doesn't like new faces. Lots of bugs and rodents creeping around, hearing conversations clearly and joining In from another room. My buddy comes in and is like what are you going on about...Whoa! I had been alone in the house for about 3 hours he said and no one was there partying and no one was bringing a reup, he was out doing that. Thing is, once I knew 100% it wasn't real, I kind of got a thrill from it, cuz i could say anything to these "other" people and they just continued on with their tasks, very bizzare. Pretty much till the sun came up then things got back to pretty normal, I'd been up a few days. So that Promethazine drug is among the diliriants and maybe the lack of sleep from the amps just multiplied the hallucination effect. So real, visual and auditory bombardment for 12 hours could be very scary for most people, so I would'nt recommend repeating my unintended trip. If you really seek a viseral hallucination experience unlike any other, go for it. Just remember its not real! especially the huge bugs, small rodent like animals, and sometimes rather disturbing scenes. Have a friend around that's not so twisted too. Remember NOT REAL!


New Member
I agree, and never tried to repeat that state of total delirium, it could become total terror in different environments or cicumstances quite easily. Mostly curious if anybody else has had a similar experience