The Real Peter Parker
Well-Known Member
Why I want to be an elite, neg repping powers would be used and not abused!creating multiple accounts is against the rules
Why I want to be an elite, neg repping powers would be used and not abused!creating multiple accounts is against the rules
Ha ha, why did you quote me when you were speaking to the guy in the mirror, troll?GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are convincing NOBODY with that crap.![]()
yea tru that .. smpproYou know whats worse than metal? People that judge other peoples music, its different for everybody, what kind of music is playing way up there on your soap box?
yea its shiz AKA Outdoor Nugs AKA Jersey Boi AKA Cloud City AKA all kinds of other accounts, Its just sad. No one wants him here so he talks trash and starts drama. LOSER
Exactly my point.I'm entertaining myself at this point. I'm past the point of being bothered. Now just trying to educate the fool.
hahahahaha this really did make me laugh that shit was so funny.
Because I'm not a prepubescent little troll. I've done the whole band thing in the late 70's and early 80's. Been there done that. I also worked as a studio musician at Muscle Shoals for 6 years before I decided to grow up and get a real job --- being an ADULT with a family will do that to you (something you will hopefully never know about, because God help us if little emo pukes like yourself are reproducing --- but I forgot, you can't get another guy pregnant so the world is safe!)so are you in a band? WHY not???????
Because I'm not a prepubescent little troll. I've done the whole band thing in the late 70's and early 80's. Been there done that. I also worked as a studio musician at Muscle Shoals for 6 years before I decided to grow up and get a real job --- being an ADULT with a family will do that to you (something you will hopefully never know about, because God help us if little emo pukes like yourself are reproducing --- but I forgot, you can't get another guy pregnant so the world is safe!)
Go away little troll, your mommy is calling you. And do us all one favor - bitch slap her one time for ever bringing your pathetic ass into existence. You are the poster child of why abortion must be kept legal!!!!!!!
Actually, metal is some of the BEST music ever! Nu metal excluded, black metal and death metal excluded, hair metal, headbangers ball excluded, industrial metal excluded, techno metal, Swedish metal excluded, emo-metal excluded, alternative metalgay leather homosexual metal excluded, etc..
Wait, metal isn't the best music ever... ITS THE WORST!!!!!!!!!
Its just as lame and shitty and gay as anything else that sucks (rap, disco, dance, emo, pop, country, homos, whores, etc)
An entire genre of music that SUCKS FUCKING BALLS and every one of its fans needs their asses kicked.