Metal Halide vs HPS for vegging?

I have heard that the HPS is better then the Metal Halide even for the veg stage, would like to know your choice and why? Can the metal halide be purchased from Home Depot? or what about HPS and compact floros used together?


Well-Known Member
mh will grow a prettier more compact plant in veg.

hps will grow a sturdier, somewhat taller plant, in less time. thicker stalk.


Well-Known Member
i really dont see the point in using mh for anything but larger operations.

ive got 2 months to grow the plants, in that time i could grow monsters under the mh, way too big for my setup. (600w hps)

month under t5 or some cfls on the other hand, gives me a perfect size plant for my setup, in that time (1.5 months or so, not including cloning time.)


Well-Known Member
Just to add ,
A Hps Bulb of the same wattage will give off more Lumens than a Mh Bulb , but , i always notice closer node spacing when using a Mh Bulb ,
A good ballast will accept both Mh and Hps , i swap my 250w veg bulb daily , best of both worlds.....


I believe it's about spectrum. Mh is more blue and hps is more red/yellow. This is to mimic the sun and natural stages of growing. But yeah, hps works for the whole grow if you can't afford a good mh.