Metal - Death, Black, Djent, Math, Thrash, Grindcore, etc...

There's a lot of musicality in extreme metal. Shit is actually really well thought up. I think all good metal bands are like that.

Prime example of musicality being:
I think there are probably about 50 genre's and subgenre's in this song alone.
Ladies and Gents, today, we're going to learn how to Denmark(yes, that sentence is structured like that on purpose).

Let me introduce you to Dawn of Demise. One of the most brutal Danish Death Metal bands out at the minute.

At around 1.46, I actually want to bash someones head in to the beat with a baseball bat. No other band or music has made me feel this way, it's just surreal how brutal that single part is.

This is Bloodbath, also a Danish Death Metal band and also a fan favourite.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to add 2 video's to one post =[

New(ish) Carcass, anyone?

Irish death metal... top knotch.
The intro is kinda long but it really breaks after the 3 min mark. I love the guitars, it has a heavy melodic dreamy sound[video=youtube;ucl4FtB4gz8][/video]
Wish I knew how to post those be all over this thread...

in the "reply" section. See the little pic of the film section? to the right of the smilie face thing.

Anyhow if you hover your curser over it, it will say "Insert Video". go to you tube, find your song, click share or right click the vid and choose "copy link". Do that, the right click in the share video pop up and click paste. POST that shit.

Feels like Im explaining shit to my moms, again, like I was last night. lol uhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuck
Hahaha sorry for making you feel that that way, and thanks for your help mashedpotato! Its so simple now...duhhh

That's a pretty brutal pit to be fair.