messed up my plant is it savable?


Active Member
well basically my blue mystic plant was under a cfl light 3 days after germination. the light hit the plants stem and burned it the top leafs are fine and the root seems fine should i cut it below the burn and see if it grows or is it a waste of time? ill post pics in a few minutes:wall:


Active Member
If the plant is standing and roots and some leaves are unharmed then all should be fine. MJ is a strong plant.
Don't worry it happens.


Well-Known Member
yeah ... it takes a lot more than a light falling on a inch tall plant to kill mary jane. lol.


Active Member
If you want, you could bury the plant deeper into the soil in one week, so that that trunk of the plant will Form Roots where its damaged, and the new growth will be sturdy and strong to support the plant for its life.


Well-Known Member
If you want, you could bury the plant deeper into the soil in one week, so that that trunk of the plant will Form Roots where its damaged, and the new growth will be sturdy and strong to support the plant for its life.
This could be a new supercropping technique??


Active Member
NO idea, but its common practice of any good garden when transplanting, to bury the plant as close the first set of fan leaves as possible.

Paq, below0 is correct. you should remove the tooth picks and bury the plant up to but not beyond the first set of leaves.


Well-Known Member
get a fan on it , blowing gently at it , and u'll notice that the stalk will build up the same as ur muscles do if ur lifting weights. and like the lads said bury it up to the cotylidons but no further( u can get stalk rot above that buddy)


Well-Known Member
NO idea, but its common practice of any good garden when transplanting, to bury the plant as close the first set of fan leaves as possible.
yeah but pinching it at the base and then burying the pinch, so a fatter gnarlier root ball forms? thats what i was thinking.


Active Member
i cut the top off and put it in a measuring cup full of water with aluminum foil over it pocked a hole in it and put the top threw figured it might grow roots that way so far it seems fine only been 12 hours or so but its still green in about 2 days ill hopefully transplant it and the bottom part of the stem might live hopefully it produces some leaves but thanks for the ideas every1