?? Mesoseiulus longipes Mite Predator ?? - Can I use these indoors?

Has anyone used these?

I have a 10 x 10 flower tent with 4 1000 HPS's and a 20 x 10 with 8 1000 HPS's. I don't have a major mite infestation but I'm tired of Neem oiling every day and searching for the bastards every day.

Can I use these indoors?

How often should I apply them?

How many should I buy?

Do they work?

How long does it take to work?

I have applied them one time. Got sick of spraying all the time and never getting rid of them. Seem to work well. Get as many as you can afford to make sure you control the mites. When I take down my crop I will have to start up a new colony of these guys to fight the mites, but it's well worth it every time and not having to spray saves money and produces better bud.. Good luck, hope this helps.
Has anyone experienced them going onto the buds themselves and just dying or getting stuck there? I have this mite (Mesoseiulus longipes) in my no-till soil but they seem to be sticking around and wanting to get up onto my buds... Chopped the last flower a few days ago and started IPM (neem oil, essential oils, silica and aloe) but they are definitely not spider mites (almost 100%).. maybe even Phytoseiulus persimilis though humidity has been on the low side. I hear they are cannibalistic as well. Anything helps.