mephedrone (meow) - (mcat)


Well-Known Member
im a stoner and i have allways frowned upon all other drugs ive tryed most apart from the hardcore Class A's . but this drug is good, its bad for you it tastes like ass, but the effect is worth it ? maybe?
not as good as the herb tho !!


Well-Known Member
Maybe "buddaroom" should stick some of that plant ferlizer up his ass and see if the game Jumanji comes out of IT!

I'll like to roll the dice ;)

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
First time i snorted it i actually sneezed most of it back out, i aint trying it again, lost to much the first time around!

Buzz was epic though, like taking pills. Thats it though, head felt bad in the morning. Doesnt mix well with weed either. Felt sick as a dog after a jay on it.

Fuck meph, quite a few have died already.

Sticks with smoke :weed:


Well-Known Member
First time i snorted it i actually sneezed most of it back out, i aint trying it again, lost to much the first time around!

Buzz was epic though, like taking pills. Thats it though, head felt bad in the morning. Doesnt mix well with weed either. Felt sick as a dog after a jay on it.

Fuck meph, quite a few have died already.

Sticks with smoke :weed:
The mephedrone didn't react kindly with your nose... but the high was epic in your stated words?


...and yes a few have died... but it wasn't considered a tragic death... the deaths occurred from massive abuse of the substance... something that is bound to happen with every sort of drug, that gets extensive, repeated ABUSE!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
...and yes a few have died... but it wasn't considered a tragic death... the deaths occurred from massive abuse of the substance...
Generally I refer to that as something we like to call:


People need to get out of the mindset that more is better.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
People just don't like to be content no more... they like to consider themselves super heroes ;)
I agree fully with the first part. People always have a drive for more. And then more = better.

The last part, it is not that they think they are super heroes (granted I think it is close), I think that many people do not accept that death is inevitable. I learned to appreciate life and death and understand and fully accept it on
2c-e.. not everyone has this chance.

Again, what is your take on mephedrone SHEPJ?

Have you had the chance to try it out?
I will hopefully have some in a short while, in which case, I will fill you in.