menstral blood

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Well-Known Member
just read 4 long pages of ewww fawkin nasty,

long time ago when i was a teenager an older guy told me the best way to get rid of a pimple was to rub "man goo" on it 6 times a day and it would disappear over night. i dont know if it works or not, but my date for the prom didnt have 1 zit.

all that is prolly TMI, but heres where i tie it all back in.

does it really matter if it works or not? i mean who the hell is gross enough to really try it? i dont care if you get budzilla sized 20lb plants. i'd rather bareback a crackedout hooker with herpies.


Well-Known Member
Well, if it works on pimples maybe it'll help get rid of spider mites. Spew all over your plants!


Well-Known Member
could i just make a tea using ripened tampons? steep them in hot water with the little strings hanging out the side.. heh we could market this and sell bottles of 'vag emulsion'


Active Member
yeah, maybe it's a nice good organic method, but im thinkin its somewhat unrealistic to most growers. hey i've got enough goin to try it on one or two but im not gonna 'collect' that specific fert. good luck though


Well-Known Member
So I take it none of you boys got your red wings yet? Quote: "I want some blood, whether its period blood or busting your fucking face blood ,some blood!" O.D.B. So if your girl is on the rag and you punch her in da nose, will that work? Just kiddin...


Well-Known Member
Not to horrify anyone any more than they already are but... some women use reusable pads which are made of cloth. Those need to soak in water between wearing and laundry. Some people keep that water in a watering can, and plants famously love it. I've seen the leaves on a Swedish ivy get to three inches across. (They're normally half that.)

If I had a source for that blood water these days, I'd absolutely try it.
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