men's rights!

I tend to assume lesbians would not have compatible sexual interests with my own, so i don't bother saying much of anything to them, unless it's something entirely removed from anything gender or sexuality related. If a lesbian has skills or knowledge she's willing to share with me, i will respect and appreciate those things. If a lesbian asks me just as a person, for my assistance with anything, i see no reason to refuse (unless there's personal issues between us). Why would i want to spend my time and effort in pursuit of something with someone who obviously doesn't want it? Similarly, why would i bother to pursue any woman who thinks "all guys" are rapists waiting for an exploitable opportunity? I want nothing to do with anyone who thinks such ridiculous things, especially those who insist such things, while refusing to be reasonable, and demanding i label their unfair treatment of me as "equality."

In case you missed it, i also noted exceptions. I tend to do that because lots of people apparently love to interpret generalizations as absolute statements, which is almost never the intended meaning.

"There are always exceptions; even to this rule."

not all men.

I assume when something heavy needs to be lifted that you make you wife do it, and likewise if you were to have a baby I assume you will be doing the breastfeeding. amiright?
Inna silly harness on pussy liberal sissie fake tittie feeding array Hellz yeah
I assume when something heavy needs to be lifted that you make you wife do it, and likewise if you were to have a baby I assume you will be doing the breastfeeding. amiright?

that sure is an advanced understanding of the complexity of gender roles, but you have yet to tell me how getting rid of them discriminates against all men.
Is it really that hard to ask womyn for permission to insert your phallus into their vagina?
You know, sometimes it works the other way also. I have a rare condition called Handsome, it was a real pain in the ass to grow up with a fan club of little girls who would follow me home every day after school. Or in High School a girl tried to sneak into my bedroom at 3 Am, I had no idea who she was. Or a girl you only said hello to once all of a sudden becomes a stalker, its rather freaky to tell you the truth and damned inconvenient. Women can be a huge problem sometimes to us men with Adonis like features. I have had women walk right up to me and ask if I was a model and would I go home with them. It was terrible, women are always thinking of sex too, wanting to rape me at all times. This one girl would grab my crotch ALL THE TIME in front of everyone and kiss my neck, damn I didn't even like her. I grew up beating them off with a stick. I never had any of the dating problems that most people had, for the most part women called and asked me out.

Oh and just so you know, some women PREFER to be raped. There are women out there who PREFER to be hit and slapped around and like the sex really rough. Some women PREFER anal sex, or really like it if you jam a few fingers in their ass while giving it to them doggy style. Some women squirt like fountains if you get them off right. You understand that women don't all come in the same size, shape, and personality right?
So what you are telling me is that you have no experience with womyn outside of romance novels.
You know, sometimes it works the other way also. I have a rare condition called Handsome, it was a real pain in the ass to grow up with a fan club of little girls who would follow me home every day after school. Or in High School a girl tried to sneak into my bedroom at 3 Am, I had no idea who she was. Or a girl you only said hello to once all of a sudden becomes a stalker, its rather freaky to tell you the truth and damned inconvenient. Women can be a huge problem sometimes to us men with Adonis like features. I have had women walk right up to me and ask if I was a model and would I go home with them. It was terrible, women are always thinking of sex too, wanting to rape me at all times. This one girl would grab my crotch ALL THE TIME in front of everyone and kiss my neck, damn I didn't even like her. I grew up beating them off with a stick. I never had any of the dating problems that most people had, for the most part women called and asked me out.

Oh and just so you know, some women PREFER to be raped. There are women out there who PREFER to be hit and slapped around and like the sex really rough. Some women PREFER anal sex, or really like it if you jam a few fingers in their ass while giving it to them doggy style. Some women squirt like fountains if you get them off right. You understand that women don't all come in the same size, shape, and personality right?