men who shave their bush

sir rance alot

Active Member
dont click on this.........dont do it......

failure to follow instructions........deduct 1 point

its not looking good for ya.. lol


Well-Known Member
My wife prefers it. She says it makes my dick look bigger. Wait a minute, is she trying to say it looks small with hair? :-(

She calls it the pornstar look. :lol:

sir rance alot

Active Member
The worst thing has to be the itching.....It seems the only place this happens is in a crowded mall or airport...

But I have done a lot worse things back in my 20's... lol

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i'll never ask a woman to shave after my experience , i shaved my scrot bag one time it was hell it itched nonstop until the wool grew back in


Well-Known Member
i'll never ask a woman to shave after my experience , i shaved my scrot bag one time it was hell it itched nonstop until the wool grew back in
The secret is not to shave it all the way down. Leave about 1/8th" to 1/4" of hair and it won't itch too much. ;-)


i'll never ask a woman to shave after my experience , i shaved my scrot bag one time it was hell it itched nonstop until the wool grew back in

I'm a hard learner.... i've had to do it 3or4 times before i learned my lesson.... :finger: shaving your sac, and i damn sure appreciate my wife for keepin her kitty smooth.... I surely wouldnt do it in her position.... but then again, she has no sac to stick to her leg and such:lol:

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
shaving helps keep odor down i even shave under my arms
but i have a lot of face and chest hair and back and leg and arm gat to keep those
and shaving makes me look bigger


Well-Known Member
i dont keep it baby skin smooth but i do a good bit o manscaping. gotta eep it clean thats how the ladies like it. Unless your from the bush loving 70's.