Melting down honey oil?


Well-Known Member
I made some honey the other day just using some sugar leaves and this hermie plant. I used colibri butane and a honey extractor. Now when I scraped the honey out it was like flakes just like it should be so I put it in a vial. I heated up the vial with a lighter and 3 quaters of it bubbled away. The bit that was left was hard and really strong stuff I am just wondering if I should of used a certain way to melt it down or if there was something wrong with it? I plan on using all the popcorn buds and sugar leaves from my next harvest soo this was just a trial run to try and get it perfect. Any advice on making it. I have read almost everything there is to read just sometimes there is little steps people do to it after it is already extracted


Active Member
Pretty sure with butane oil, there really is no reason to heat it up. Unless you are looking to make it thinner.

We usually just let it sit out, lightly covered with some saran wrap overnight.. Then heat it up, to drip it into the vial.

If it gets too thick, again, you can use heat, or sometimes we just add a drop or two of Everclear. Gives it more of an oil consistancy. Vaps off quick when spread onto a joint.

Not sure I would hit the vial with a flame til it bubbled however, as anything over 200ish degrees will kill the THC if I am correct.