“This is what tolerance looks like at UC Berkeley,” Mike Wright of Berkeley College Republicans, the group that invited Yiannopoulos to the campus, said outside the student union building as smoke bombs went off around him.

Protesters argued that what Yiannopoulos specializes in is hate speech, and that it didn’t deserve to be protected.

(he says things we disagree with so he's a Nazi and we hate him. he deserves violence, peace)

30 dead, including 10 women and children, including an 8 year girl. William Ryan Owens was sent to certain death. This is what incompetence looks like.
Big sign says "this is war" and they are marching around like angry girl scouts throwing weak homemade smoke bombs while proceeding to fuck up their own city up.

and they chased away your little nazi buddies, spandy.

you pieces of shit can't even hold your own against "angry girl scouts throwing weak homemade smoke bombs". SAD!

nazis are cowards.