

Well-Known Member
yea, i know. just wana see what others think or if they know anything about it i dont because it seems to have been working for me.
Just popped 1 a few hours ago they tend to take their time like obijohn said its more of a natural sleep where you just drift off. Your body will get use to it and they will not work as effectively so usually I space them out every couple of days.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I use Melatonin as a sleep aid. I take it several hours before bedtime and end up having a great night's sleep. No groggy after-effects either.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
They work good. I always took three of the 3mg pills after rolling. I read that some believe it is more effective when taking a higher dose and some believe that it does nothing more and one should do the trick. I would have to go with the former. Usually knocked me out for a good 12-15 hours, had lots of fucked up dreams as well.


Well-Known Member
They take quite a while to work. If I need to I'll take one before I shower, after I'm done I can lay down and watch a couple episodes of something on netflix. After that I'm usually able to drift off.


Well-Known Member
have you tried valerian root? I used it and the sleep was pretty knock out, although the dreams were kind of trippy! lol

but it worked, so i cant complain


Well-Known Member
hmm ive tried melatonin, but my thoughts still race... there is a "drank" that I was able to buy while in memphis, its in a purple can, its meant to relax you, but knocks me the fuck out. It has valerian root and melatonin in it.... I need something like this, but not the 250 calories that come with it.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
I take both, after a hard workout, it helps ease you into a very deep sleep, which is better for recovery. don't over do the melatonin it can keep you up like your on speed.


Well-Known Member
Like someone else mentioned, I found that taking Melatonin on a regular basis makes it less effective. I used to take it when i worked graveyards because i had trouble sleeping during the day


Well-Known Member
Me and this chick I used to stay with used to eat a bunch of melatonin and slam a bunch of H and we would just lay around nodding and sleeping, taking naps and shit and itching I remember lying their watching Forrest Gump and crying because it was such a powerful film. It was a crazy time in my life, I'm glad I quit.


Well-Known Member
I remember slamming bennadryl when I was dope sick because it's all I had, I think it helped me sleep