Mekhong High Sativa - tuning in to a male?


Active Member
While I'm pretty sure I've got the answer already, but I've been thinking this was a female and even killed it's brother, which I was sure was a male, some 3+ weeks ago or so, when I let it start flowering . . .

Now however, it has balls . . .

Still, this is my first Sativa and second flowering plant, so I don't trust myself...



Global Moderator
Staff member
I see pistols, so Female.
But, in pic #4 at the lowest node visible there appears to be male flowers.
Can you post a close up of that?


Active Member
I'll try to get close ups tomorrow with the light.
It was hit by Spider Mites fairly heavily, so I'm worried the yield will be more or less nothing...
So far it looks like more or less nothing . . .


Active Member
Close up of the picture 4 possible ball cluster AND since I may have your attention, this dying off into crispiness has happened a bit with one flowering soil OGK and a lot more with one of two flowering Hydro OGK (in same reservoir, same size and age and the mother is the one flowering in soil). It started after using dish washing detergent to kill off a mass spider mite infestation, where I also trimmed 30% +/-10% of the leaves of each plant. I showered the plants in tap water after 4 hours, to get the soap off, but only with he hydro plants - the soil plants I merely sprayed with a coconut water and mineral water mix...

I'm thinking a simple deficiency and not the detergent treatment or maybe a delayed mite reaction, so gave them EWC tea, super thrive and topped off each pot with fresh EWC plus some well diluted sea weed and banana peel juice - the hydro plants I gave more nutes...

Anyways, am blabbering - just thought thy may have had some thoughts on this :)



Active Member
If it's seeded, then a male must be near by - they are outside and all, even if I take the vegging plants in, for 5-6 hours extra light, when the sun goes down. I haven't got any males though and the 5 flowering hydro plants that are on the opposite side of the balcony where this MH is spending its time, haven't shown any seeds so far at all . . .
So I'd be massively surprised if it's seeded . . .

And then again maybe not - it was outside earlier at my old place already, when it started flowering. Maybe it got seeded there and it now shows?


Global Moderator
Staff member
If it's seeded, then a male must be near by - they are outside and all, even if I take the vegging plants in, for 5-6 hours extra light, when the sun goes down. I haven't got any males though and the 5 flowering hydro plants that are on the opposite side of the balcony where this MH is spending its time, haven't shown any seeds so far at all . . .
So I'd be massively surprised if it's seeded . . .

And then again maybe not - it was outside earlier at my old place already, when it started flowering. Maybe it got seeded there and it now shows?
Pollen can travel for miles in a good breeze.


Active Member
Well yes, but still. I've had a full harvest at that place that finished just around the time I put this lady out. They were for all intents and purposes very sinsemilla . . .
And at this new spot, nothing else is flowering - just saying.
I remember throwing out one Sativa lady (cause she looked just like this one) and it makes me feel bad, but them balls got me confused ...
Still, waiting in vain it seems...