meet junior


Active Member
hey gang, stumbled on this lovely helpful site a few days into my first little experimental grow about 3 weeks ago now. we're winding down day 23, since sprouting, of veg for "junior" (don't want to jinx the whole sex thing).

junior was planted along with two other bagseeds that had been collected from various places, so no clue what/who junior is. the other two plants actually sprouted first, tiny little things that were slow to grow. at first i had them under a single 23(100eq)w cfl on my desk. 23 days ago i checked the two sprouts, writing the 3rd seed off as lost, and went out for a few hours. 4 hours later i came back and there was a brand new sprout that had burst through the dirt and was already double the size of the other two. needless to say, that was junior. unfortunately i took no pics until like day 9, but i'll only bore you guys with a few current ones.

to get up to speed:

-we've moved into a closet space
-repotted into a much larger pot than originally as it was starting to show yellow leaves and seemed root bound. since transplanting the size of the plant has roughly doubled.
-currently using 5 100w eq. cool white cfls with 1800 lumens each.
-when repotting switched to standard MG potting soil as it was all that was readily available, seems to be working well so far.
-topped yesterday morning, just because.

feel free to jump in and comment, that's the whole point of this post in the first place! a few things i'd actually like to hear back on...

do we think this is sativa or indica or a hybrid? i'm personally leaning toward a sativa dominant hybrid, but what do i know? anyone want to take a stab at the strain?

any obvious plant problems that you can spot?

i think it's early for preflowers and all yet, but i could be wrong, anyone see any?

and now some pics...

@ 12 days from sprouting:

@15 days and a bit droopy, a day later some yellowing started and i knew it was rootbound.

23 day pics to follow in a 2nd post.


Active Member
@23 days from sprouting. not in the grow spot, out for photo session!

tried to give some scale in this one... if you know speed stick, that's the taller version, not the shorty!

from the top...



Active Member
so that's where we're currently at as of today. not sure how far this is going to go, but i have some friends that are ex-employees of a legal operation out in california, so i between them and you guys i have some expert advice. let's hear it!

can't guarantee how often i'll update this, but i'll try. i'll definitely be here anytime there's a problem, you can be sure of that!


Well-Known Member
Hey man, lookin' good! I just started my first grow 2 weeks ago so I'll be interested to watch yours as a nice preview! Mine definitely doesn't seem to be doing as nicely as yours, but hopefully it'll catch up! GL


Active Member
thanks guys. unfortunately i think i may have brought about a jinx of another kind by even posting on here yesterday! about 6am today i woke up to a crashing sound from the closet, the light pole that was above the plants holding 4 cfls came down right on top of poor defenseless junior! to juniors credit he/she is still standing, took a heck of a blow and lost a couple of bottom branches and a few fan leaves. seems like junior will survive, but some of that aforementioned bushiness may have gone by the wayside. i'll update again in a day or two once i see what the real damage was. like i said, a little bruised, a little bent, but still standing! we shall see...

as for the other stuff, yeah 4 cfls were above the plant, 1 to the side, and i tried to rotate the pot once a day to get even light over the bottom leaves from the side lamp. i mentioned the sativa dominant hybrid because the leaves aren't overly dark and are thinner than a lot of the indica strains i've seen, but again i'm no expert. any additional opinions on that subject?

any suggestions on things i can do to help junior recover from the light attack would be welcome.

stay tuned.


Active Member
oh yeah, someone asked height so i just measured... on day 24 junior is 14 inches from soil to top growth tip(s).

also, will branches that were slightly damaged and seem a bit weak at a certain point, but aren't split and are still connected to the main stem fully manage to heal themselves? if not, should i just snip them and accept my losses?


New Member
these plants are stronger than you think man. i would just leave the leaves alone as long as the stems are fully in tact... Ive dropped things on mine and damn near bent one in half and within a day or 2 she was back standing at full attention. lol... one time I had one of those no pest plastic strip things fall from a shelf about 3 ft. above one of my plants , fell right on her. knocked a few of her fan leaves off and bent her pretty bad, now shes the biggest and fullest one out of the 3. lol. man i was pissed at myself for being so stupid, but I got all worked up for nothing. give her a couple days, you may have stressed her a bit so she might not grow for a couple days or so but she'll come around....


Active Member
so it looks like the reports of junior's demise were in fact a bit early. a few days have gone by and we're looking pretty strong. a bit thinner and a few lessons learned about securing hanging objects in close proximity to delicate vegetation, and we're good to go! also a small lesson learned on the effects of magnified light through a water droplet resting on a green leaf! anyway, updated pics below... 29 days in...



Active Member
figured i'd drop some more pics in since it's day 30. happy birthday junior...

from the top...

at home...

close up on the top...

some scale, that's a dvd sitting on the top rim of the pot...



Active Member
another close up of the top, you can see where i cut it a week or so back.


from above at home.

from way above.

a side branch, curling upward toward the lights.

same branch, different angle.

last one.



Active Member
so i'd love any tips, criticism, compliments, feedback, whatever you guys have for me, let me have it. i need to hear from the pros!


Active Member
current stats:

12" container
5 lights 100W eq. and 1800 lumens each. - 4 above 1 behind with regular rotation
standard MG soil with time release nutes
18" tall from soil to tip
topped only once and too late at that
still running a 24-0 light cycle.

  • when would be a good idea to switch over to a 12-12 and begin flowering? i have some height, but not a tremendous amount of space.
  • how tall can i expect it to get, i read in the FAQ that there's a "stretch" during the first two weeks of 12-12
  • any suggestions on a point to take a cutting and technique?
  • should this container be adequate for all of flowering?
  • should/can i tie down some limbs for light access?
  • i've heard that MG soil isn't great for flowering due to chemicals in the buds and all, true? should i switch out the soil or just flush it before starting 12-12?
i think that's all i've got for now, any help is appreciated!


New Member
Happy b day junior... shes filling out nice... I know they grow at least 2 feet in flowering... how tall is she? its good to let them get at least 20 inches before putting into flower.. mine are 64 days old and im still looking good bro..:bigjoint:


Active Member
Happy b day junior... shes filling out nice... I know they grow at least 2 feet in flowering... how tall is she? its good to let them get at least 20 inches before putting into flower.. mine are 64 days old and im still looking good bro..:bigjoint:
right around 18" from soil to the uppermost growth tip at this point. how tall is yours after 64 days? another 2 feet on top of this already during 12-12? yeesh. need to definitely get into topping and lst stuff next time around!