meet another Herman - pic enclosed - flushing/timing question


Active Member
This is Mr/Ms Hermie - I'd say about 40% of hairs are brown on main, 20-25% on lowers. I pick a couple of nanners off daily - don't see any seed pods yet. Was wondering about how long I should give her/him/it before I begin the flush (hydro for a 7-10 day flush) . I estimated 2-3 weeks before chop but not sure now since the hairs changed pretty quickly. It is on day 46 of 12/12 and day 40 since flowers showed up. I can't check the trich colors till Tuesday as they are in a different location than where I'm at-won't be able to catch any more nanners either till then - hope they stay closed. A quick reveal on a 30x scope said about 40% clear/55% cloudy/5% amber - but the scope is pretty crappy and not all that clear. Any thoughts of when I should begin the flushing process??? Would prefer to harvest a little early than be loaded up with seeds (but don't see any yet - just closed nanners). You can see 1 of the lil bastards (Pic on left) a little left of center and a little below the center. It was castrated right after this picture was taken - but it's getting tiring as I have to take more frequent trips to check on them - but it's always nice to visit with them anyway - more enjoyable before it turned tho!
