MedScientists Project - Master LED's

I call re-gift. Me Me Me

I am sure there is something New in your Grow inventory that you probably wont use? I'll trade for THAT!

IDK, maybe its just ME, but sometimes I cant pass up a REAL GOOD Sale even though Its not something I use, but may have thought about using, oh Yeah, and sometimes I get FREE $hit for my Friends, and they dont want it either! Hehehe That $ucks!

SOooo... Whatcha' Got?

Yeah, I'm BAKED! Peace
Hey Med Scientist, i am sold in these leds too! i have some second thoughts though. If they are top leds why are they so cheap? in comparison with the greatest like area 51, california lightworks, EVO,Blackdog etc. is it a new company? cause i can't find any grows with em,only yours and from another guy from RIU. Is it because of the 3w epistar chips compared with the 5w cree's? I must say yours look wonderful the only ones defoliated i have seen with good results so far.I am terribly sorry for my english and maybe my silly questions, i am a small scale grower and very new to this so i am trying to find something good that will last for a long time and not have to worry about lightning anymore. Keep up the good job, i would rep you again if i could..!
Reading your led headlight again, I probably have several similar, but for something more worthy

I have

* 2 Aquatec 8800 hp pumps one purchased as back up, barely used
* a bunch of hpa fittings/mist heads
* Bad ass air pump with metal manifold, barely used (too loud)

I am sure there is something New in your Grow inventory that you probably wont use? I'll trade for THAT!

IDK, maybe its just ME, but sometimes I cant pass up a REAL GOOD Sale even though Its not something I use, but may have thought about using, oh Yeah, and sometimes I get FREE $hit for my Friends, and they dont want it either! Hehehe That $ucks!

SOooo... Whatcha' Got?

Yeah, I'm BAKED! Peace
Reading your led headlight again, I probably have several similar, but for something more worthy

I have

* 2 Aquatec 8800 hp pumps one purchased as back up, barely used
* a bunch of hpa fittings/mist heads
* Bad ass air pump with metal manifold, barely used (too loud)

TOooo Bad we dont all live in the same Continent! We could probably have some AWESOME... what are they called... Elephant Parties? Where everyone brings a Re-Gift, and you leave with someones elses? Or maybe a HUGE Swap Shop!

I could probably get something GOOD for these 3 - 2.5 Gallon Jugs of GH nutes? Since I switched to Jack's Proffesional Hydroponics and CalcNit dry nutes, I have rendered GH USELESS! I guess I keep them around incase I want to SLOW things down! I have started my 4th year on my initial purchase of Jacks (under $90 for 25lbs of each), AND I am still trying to figure out HOW TO KEEP UP with the FAST Growth!

Hey Med Scientist, i am sold in these leds too! i have some second thoughts though. If they are top leds why are they so cheap? in comparison with the greatest like area 51, california lightworks, EVO,Blackdog etc. is it a new company? cause i can't find any grows with em,only yours and from another guy from RIU. Is it because of the 3w epistar chips compared with the 5w cree's? I must say yours look wonderful the only ones defoliated i have seen with good results so far.I am terribly sorry for my english and maybe my silly questions, i am a small scale grower and very new to this so i am trying to find something good that will last for a long time and not have to worry about lightning anymore. Keep up the good job, i would rep you again if i could..!

(lospsi... PLEASE Release your Sorrow and Post here OFTEN! This IS a place of LEARNING for ALL of Us!)

My GUESS would be YES, they are a relatively NEW Company, and ARE looking to MAKE a name for Themselves and Establish a GOOD Market share of this LED Market! I also think that this tech is less expensive to Build per Usable Watt. It appears they plan to make $$$ as a bulk supplier while they establish Themselves as one of the TOP LED Marketers!

I have been trying to keep up with all the NEW Journals popping up with GrowEvolution.Com's Bud Boss LED panels in Several Grow Forums, which is GREAT NEWS for YOU! Before the end of 2013, you are gonna SEE RESULTS up the Ying-Yang SHOWING their WORTH! Bottom Line is.... RESULTS are why you WILL end up with one of THESE LED Panels!

Defoliation is an AWESOME Tool in the Garden! But most people dont realize that the effects vary, depending on WHEN and HOW MUCH you utilyze it. I have Come to a VERY GOOD understanding thru experimentation, mostly trying to slow things down. I am NO LONGER a FAN of Leaves! AGAIN.... Results DONT LIE! WooHoo! I have discussed Defoliation ALOT in other Forums, just Google "MedScientist defoliation" for links.

Here is a post I copy and pasted from another site....

Early in the Michigans MMJ Law, I followed the Defoliation threads on the other Forums. I didnt participate much in the conversations, but took Note, because if you MENTIONED romoving Leaf, you were called a Moron by the "Experienced Growers".

But shortly after switching to Jack's Proffesional Hydroponics + CalcNit, I found myself trying to find ways to LIMIT plant growth because Veg Time became too long with such Vigorous growth. I have spent a few years Experimenting with Defoliation at Every stage of Growth combined with Most other forms of Training.

I think the Main reason people dont TRUST this technique and/or MIS-JUDGE its effectiveness, is Because Defoliation responds DIFFERENTLY, Depending on the percentage of Defoliation AND ALSO the stage of Growth the plant is in at the Time (and of course, its Health).


This Recent Harvested Plant WAS Defoliated CONTINUOUSLY through Veg and 12/12 (Extrememly). The Result was Mature Budz from Top to Bottom, weighting in at 8.6 Ounces at about 36 inches in Diameter (Height and Width). She was grown in a DIY Waterfarm using Turface as the Medium.


(Sorry, dont know how to post as a pic here!)

Experience has PROVEN to ME that Budz in the Light, perform BETTER!

There are MANY Ways that Defoliation can Change your Grow. It helps to Lower transpiration thus lowering your Humidity, Increases Airflow through the area, increased reflection of Light, can stall or limit stretch, less shading to other plants, making MORE room for Bigger or More Plants to INCREASE Light TO Budz ratios, and more!

I have also had Great results in Veg by cutting the Leaves in Half to get similar Results without much stall.

Defoliation is GREAT TOOL to have in your Bag of Tricks!

Peace and LOVE to ALL! past-present-future
It's great to hear such a positive feedback..It's very funny to hear you speaking about growing cannabis, You seem to know your shit,ha! I don't know if i can wait to see the results of the led's, i might have to try them myself!!! So I am thinking to go with the 232.. I also own a blackstar 135 w and my grow space is a closet 2' X 4'.So it will be 307 actual watts.(232 from bud boss and 75 from Blackstar) Do you think it will be enough light for that space? Also can i use them both? Happy that i found this thread soon keep us updated!
It's great to hear such a positive feedback..It's very funny to hear you speaking about growing cannabis, You seem to know your shit,ha! I don't know if i can wait to see the results of the led's, i might have to try them myself!!! So I am thinking to go with the 232.. I also own a blackstar 135 w and my grow space is a closet 2' X 4'.So it will be 307 actual watts.(232 from bud boss and 75 from Blackstar) Do you think it will be enough light for that space? Also can i use them both? Happy that i found this thread soon keep us updated!

WooHoo! Thanks for the Confidence my Friend!

I went and Lurked thru your Journal and other Threads... GREAT JOB! I AM Curious How much the Final Dry weight was from your first grow? Did you NOTICE an increase in Potency after Harvest?

I can tell you ARE an INCREDIBLE Grower! Even though you were limited by lighting under 100w, YOUR Plants were VERY HEALTHY! I CAN WORK with THAT! When you start your next Grow, I would LOVE to Tag Along and Assist!

Yes you CAN! Use both in the 4x2.

When I SHOP for Lighting NOW, I always take Growers Creep into consideration! I BELIEVE the 232 could be PERFECT in your 4x2 room, on its own, which would Free up your BlackStar as a Seperate Veg light, since it did so well in Veg. Going Perpetual with a Lighting Upgrade should meet ALL YOUR Personal Cannabis NEEDS +++! BUT... once you REALIZE that YOU CAN Master that space, will it be enough? If there is a chance you will move to a bigger space, I would look into the 305 now, instead of adding more later? Make Sense?

PLEASE Link US when you start your next Journal!

Hey Med,thnx for the kind words but i am a very bad grower (I am working on that!). I only pulled 1 zip my first grow due to many mistakes (newbye) such as light leaks defoliation (the wrong way) and in one case i overfertilized but it was a wonderful experience i must say.I can't say anything about potency cause it was my first grow and i have nothing to compare. My aim is happy plants dont care about yield or gr per watt thing.. So the 232 along with the ufo is more than enough for me! I will be happy to share with you my next attempt, keep bringing the energy out man love your grows!
Not too bad for a first grow lospsi! Ive always noticed that the stuff i grew blew away 90% of what was goin around in my area. And we get some kill circulating around here. Even the first thing i grew was on point and it had deficiencies and all kinds of other problems as well. Its only up from here!! Cant wait to see the grow journal you make. Oh! and use the discount code "MEDCARD" at check out for a discount.
Decided to start Titrating some recent Oil from ISO 91%, I have to say I was more comfortable boiling it off in the Crock, than when I used NAPTHA. The ISO was not as aromatic with a slight wind, but I still didnt smoke anywhere near it! Added a little extra Cap of water and ended up with a more Moist Oil that didn’t dry hard once the ISO 91% dissapated.

Lining Doobies with this Oil is UBER Potent and WILL kick UP the Potency of Any Strain! Adding a drop on a Bowl of Budz and watched it just soak right into it for a Slow Burning Treat!

But nothing Beets the Med Factor and Stone you get from Eating this Oil! As last night I tested about 0.4 grams in a Capsule. Surprisingly, that 0.4g dose was about equivalent to a 2 gram dose of Dry Ice Hash, so perhaps 0.6g of Oil will bring me the Spiritual Dose I ENJOY Sooooo WELL! I will let you know…. Tommorrow? Tonight? WooHoo!

Sounds like some good stuff!!! I have a heat gun that i use to get the remaining water out of my ISO. Not my favorite hash to make but it gets the job done. Just hit it til it all remelts then let it re solidify.

I do that a couple times and it usually stops crackling for the most part. As good of iso as you can get really.
Sounds like some good stuff!!! I have a heat gun that i use to get the remaining water out of my ISO. Not my favorite hash to make but it gets the job done. Just hit it til it all remelts then let it re solidify.

I do that a couple times and it usually stops crackling for the most part. As good of iso as you can get really.

WooHoo! Aside from the Messiness of Oil, I kind of like the Non-Hardening yet UBER Thick consistancy that I got from the ISO 91%. I may have left the Naptha batch in the Crock too long, cause it was NOT runny at all. I may change my mind once I get some compatible Jars for Storage and Retrieval?

I used an Emply Capsule this time cause it LOVES to stick to your Teeth in Raw Form! Plus I was able to weight the dosage for more consistant dosing! WooHoo

I DID wash the Crock out with 151 Everclear to capture the remaining Stickyness, and use that as a topical rub and occasional sublingual dose. I should have taken pics of some of my Test Applications.... Cuts... Mole... scars... This is a MIRACLE MEDICINE! I swear this stuff helps everything!

Dude.... I am subbed so i can read and catch up. I too eat A LOT of cannabis and enjoy it way more. I am thinking of making my own RSO type oil for edibles also, currently infuse coconut oil. props to you. :)
Dude.... I am subbed so i can read and catch up. I too eat A LOT of cannabis and enjoy it way more. I am thinking of making my own RSO type oil for edibles also, currently infuse coconut oil. props to you. :)

Hey SomeGuy! My 0.6g dose is nearing Effects, so I wont last long... I DO HAVE some Feedback for you so you can learn from my experiences, specially now that I found the process I will use from now on! I am a Guinee Pig for my Patients.... TOUGH Job... YEP! SomeONE has to do it! Looks like I need a NEW NAME for the latest batch of LOVE OIL! Hehehe Sorry, SOMEWHAT BAKED NOW! Hehehe

MedScientists Crazy Potent $hit! Hehehe Nah..... MedScientists Crazy Potent OilCaps?

right on man! I make caps too. Strong ones... lol. I take my infused refined coconut oil when done and mix it with corn-starch to make a jelly like solid. In this form it is super easy to fill the caps. The corn-starch is inert but helps keep the capsules transportable at room temperature. :)

I hate titrating...NOT! LOL once my last plant comes down I am going to make some more... Down to my last dose of pills... OH NOOOOOO!!!

Have fun man!
Had to drop a line to show appreciation to you bro! Thanks for being so open to share your knowledge & allowing everyone to not only learn from you; but to also learn with you! Very excited about getting my TBS10. I believe it will be a good substitute for the 400 cmh im veg! May have to put a few autos in with the veggers! Even more excited to see your final results; may just have to swap the 1k for a FEW Bud Boss's
Had to drop a line to show appreciation to you bro! Thanks for being so open to share your knowledge & allowing everyone to not only learn from you; but to also learn with you! Very excited about getting my TBS10. I believe it will be a good substitute for the 400 cmh im veg! May have to put a few autos in with the veggers! Even more excited to see your final results; may just have to swap the 1k for a FEW Bud Boss's

What a HONOR My Friend! 1st post in almost 2 years! Glad to see YOU around HERE.... again! WooHoo! I was AMAZED at the TBS10 in veg, I had to keep raising it to keep the nodes from stacking TOOoo tight. Over 3 ft gave me the Internodal length I LOVE similar to my 8 Bulb t-5 @ about 1 ft. At that height it will cover your entire 4x4 without a problem. For 12/12, I would throw 4 in there, but that is just ME! Hehehe WooHoo!

My new Electric bill came in $5 cheaper than last which was over $90 Cheaper than previous! I Smell more LED's in MY Future! Hehehe WooHoo!

Oh, and 0.6g dose of MedScientist's Crazy Potent ISO OilCaps was AWESOME, but not quite the Spiritual Level as 3.06g of MedScientist's Super Duper Potent Dry Ice HashCaps! Perhaps we Kick it up to a Full Gram tommorrow?

Just had an idea... How about I combine Both.... Maybe 0.5g ISO OilCaps and 2g HashCaps? Hmmmm... I like that idea, kinda like rolling a Doobie with your 2 Favorite Strains? Oh YEAH, some of that 2, lined with the Oil. The Wifey wonders why I'm always Horney, I told her cause I look at Porn all day long, just didnt tell her it was BUD PORN! WooHoo!

WooHoo! WooHoo! WooHoo! WooHoo! Can ya TELL that I am EXCITED?

After some MAJOR Re-Construction of my WHOLE GROW AREA, I NOW have a 4.5' x 8' Room for LED's! WooHoo!

The 3 Bud Boss 151's (450w) have their 3' x 5' (30+ watts per ft) space just inside the doorway of the NEW ROOM! I need to pick up More Totes to DIY the Latest version of MedScientist's Recirc Modified Auto Water/Drain Passive Plant Killer (rM-ppk) System! WooHoo!




The 3' x 4' area at the back of the room will be Split into 2 - 2' x 3' Stations.... 1 for the TBS10's (240w) @ 40ish Watts per foot, and another for the 2 older - HGL 1 watt tech (240w), combined with the Area51 mini (110w?), for OVER 1000 WATTS of LED's! WooHoo!


I GUESS I really screwed up by NOT getting the 4th Bud Boss 151... OTHERWISE the WHOLE ROOM would have been Powered by GrowEvolution.COM ...! WooHoo!

There is ALWAYS next Grow to Correct THAT! Where is SANTA when you NEED Him? Oh Yeah, getting the Coal ready for MY STOCKING! I have been a VERY BAD BOY in a GOOD WAY!

Some nice led growing going on in here.....................interested in this new run with those cob/smd? panels.........why are you using clear cups?? light&roots don't mix well:P

good luck and be safe grower