medjianna vs cold weather

I'm a first time grower and have 6 plants outdoors the cold season is creepin up fast and they just started flowering,,, whats the lowest temperature they can survive and is there anyway to keep them warm help me out here! :wall:


Well-Known Member
they can survive a few light frosts, but not a lot, a few nights below 27 degrees will kill them usually


Well-Known Member
they can survive the end of the world.,.,they will float around on astroids and crash into a alien planet with a present for all who smoke.,.,and let there be light.,.,.,.,.,***they can survive almost--freezing temps.,.,as lond as the ro0ts and plant dont freeze.,.,its a breeze.,.,.,forward


Well-Known Member
Ya I live in Montana and it's already getting in the low 30's at night! :cry: Good thing I can bring them inside at night! It's still 80's :fire: during the day though! (Montana weather for you:cuss:, 50 degree difference) I'm hopin it holds until I'm finished flowering! I started kinda late. I'm gettin a 250w hps just in case.


Well-Known Member
miami florida? youre probably good year round with those temps. do you mean another miami like miami ohio?