Meditation Jesus and weed


Well-Known Member
So im basically a general open minded christian i luv god and especialy his glorious gift of weed :weed:

Ive recently discovered the practice of meditation yanoe the one with all the chakras and stuff

Im just curios if it goes hand in hand because i always read that the meditation connects you to the higher power and im just wondering if they mean jesus when they say that or sumthin else

Im jw cuz some ppl in my comunity say that weed is bad for spirituality (which i disagree with completely) and i would hate to start meditation and just be frowned upon moreso that i already am.

So any replys will b apreciated :D


Well-Known Member
I've heard some Christianists insist that meditation "opens you up to demons".

So take that for whatever it's worth.



Well-Known Member
Jesus spent his missing years in India where ...guess what....
he smoked herb :weed:
and learned yoga :hump:
and meditated. :idea:
then he came back w/ what he learned. :bigjoint:
cured the lepers with hemp oil :shock:
and they killed him. :confused:


Active Member
I believe that Jesus is interested in a very personal relationship with me as an individual. He desires for you to make Him first in all things. He uses your obedience as a barometer for what He can trust you with. I smoke weed to make me feel more comfortable. To alleviate the stress and anxiety that life puts on me. What if the stress and anxiety that I face is sent by God to teach me how to trust Him first with all things? Then it would be counterproductive. To make that determination you would have to be very honest with yourself. I have experienced a lot of success and failure in life but it has not been until I began putting His desires for me first that I have felt fulfilled and at peace. I doubt that I can smoke my way into the spirit world, but God can allow me if it is part of His plan.


Well-Known Member
I've heard some Christianists insist that meditation "opens you up to demons".

So take that for whatever it's worth.

I grew up in a very strict Christan lifestyle.
in my church they would tell the children that demons were real
they would appear to you .
my pastor actually sat me down when i was 13 or so and told me a demon came out his sons "Poison" poster late one exorcism.
you know the hair band from the 80's.
ah good times


Well-Known Member
So im basically a general open minded christian i luv god and especialy his glorious gift of weed :weed:

Ive recently discovered the practice of meditation yanoe the one with all the chakras and stuff

Im just curios if it goes hand in hand because i always read that the meditation connects you to the higher power and im just wondering if they mean jesus when they say that or sumthin else

Im jw cuz some ppl in my comunity say that weed is bad for spirituality (which i disagree with completely) and i would hate to start meditation and just be frowned upon moreso that i already am.

So any replys will b apreciated :D
Pumert, first off, if smoking weed brings positive insight through your life.....then.......:weed: however, you will find a lot of things you do and have not done effect your spirituality, good and bad, and in times what was good for you at one point, may not be at the next,

Secondly, Prayer = Meditation. In all it's essence it is no more or less the same, if someone chooses to frown upon you it is b/c of what they do not understand.

Thirdly, depending on who you ask, it could be Jesus and maybe even E.T. :lol:.......jus josh'n U :lol:..........Seriously tho, I can say this with the upmost confidence, YOU WILL FIND WHO YOU SEEK ;)


Active Member
I believe that Jesus is interested in a very personal relationship with me as an individual. He desires for you to make Him first in all things. He uses your obedience as a barometer for what He can trust you with. I smoke weed to make me feel more comfortable. To alleviate the stress and anxiety that life puts on me. What if the stress and anxiety that I face is sent by God to teach me how to trust Him first with all things? Then it would be counterproductive. To make that determination you would have to be very honest with yourself. I have experienced a lot of success and failure in life but it has not been until I began putting His desires for me first that I have felt fulfilled and at peace. I doubt that I can smoke my way into the spirit world, but God can allow me if it is part of His plan.
i agree with iheartkeif, I've had a similar train of thought. I'd like to add that alot of people may frown upon you, especially in the Christian fellowship. But thats b/c they don't understand you, your needs, or your longing to get closer tp Jesus. I use it often in my life and in giving glory to God, I have not felt that marijuana has hindered mine and his relationship. I don't exactly smoke to get closer to him, but i have found that it opens my mind in both reading the word and talking to him in prayer/meditation.


Well-Known Member
About meditation....
deepak chopra offers some very good audio programs on the how to's.
makes it very "understandable".


Well-Known Member
i have never tryed meditation i dont ever know what to do lol i prob sound fucking retarted


Active Member
you can meditate regardless of your religion, it's a mind exersice, it doesn't necesarily connect you to a " higher place" unless you believe it will.