MEDICINE MATTERS: Marijuana foe complains to Health Canada about Terry Lake comments

What is your reason for coming here? Plain simple English
I'm sure you'll prove me wrong, but this is a Canadian medical marijuana patient forum, correct?
I have paperwork to prove I'm a Canadian medical patient.

Why are you coming here? Simply to berate and insult other patients who don't why to buy street weed? Because that's sure what it seems like.
I'm sure you'll prove me wrong, but this is a Canadian medical marijuana patient forum, correct?
I have paperwork to prove I'm a Canadian medical patient.

Why are you coming here? Simply to berate and insult other patients who don't why to buy street weed? Because that's sure what it seems like.
Lol Wtf are you on son. I ask a simple question and I'm here to berate and insult other patients. I have helped more people patients then you probably know. Anyways please back up your claims of this????
get a clear response

neither happens when you ask...wonder why that is?

Oh yes..... sour grapes.

Fool (:
LOL, this was my favorite part. There is no scientifically defined dose of WATER either for any specific medical condition.

Hmmmm. I bet if your are dehydrated there is no specified amount of water you should take, but there is also no doubt it will improve your issue with dehydration. MCColl needs to extend her vision and knowledge of cannabis past the end of her nose.
I completely agree with your sentiments. However, having a diploma in the health field I can tell you that they do have recommended daily amount you should drink
I don't think I could be any clearer back up your claims that all I do is insult and berate other patients on the forum????? What's wrong can't back your claims up as usual???? Not clear enough ask your English teacher to help you....
Just asking a question.
Thanks for a clear answer.
I completely agree with your sentiments. However, having a diploma in the health field I can tell you that they do have recommended daily amount you should drink

Of course, that is why my wife pushes me to drink more water. She used to drink 8 cups per day, less now.
Now if you spend enough time searching the Internet you will get mixed results as to how much water is recommended.
I personally think the health field is largely based on these recommendations as opposed to a specified scientifically derived amount based on realistic studies. Without a doubt we need to intake water daily, but that is just common sense without the need for studies and recommendations.
I completely agree with your sentiments. However, having a diploma in the health field I can tell you that they do have recommended daily amount you should drink
There used to be an acceptable dosage for thalidomide too..they get it wrong all the time and it hurts or kills people. I don't have much faith in what our medical system 'recommends'. You'd be much better off just listening to what your body wants than trying to satisfy some semi-scientific recommendations.

Now that was an excellent example. My Mom took that in the 50's and my older brother was born with webbed fingers and toes. That was all fixed but his pinky on one hand was bent across the other fingers. That was also the end of thalidomide for my Mom. He said it was great for throwing a football but as a teen they decided to operate and straighten it out. Now his pinky is straight but only half the length of normal. I have to say it sure looks funny when he gives your the BS fingers.
There used to be an acceptable dosage for thalidomide too..they get it wrong all the time and it hurts or kills people. I don't have much faith in what our medical system 'recommends'. You'd be much better off just listening to what your body wants than trying to satisfy some semi-scientific recommendations.
Bit of a far cry from water no?......In how many years exactly will they find out water is bad for you? They also recently had a MASSIVE single payout settlement to a single person because talc gave her cancer. Also thought benign but not related to the point Im trying to make

The reason they dont have a specific scientific way of figuring an exact dose is due to the insurmountable amount of variables from person to person. Everything from metabolism, to physical activity, circadian rhythm, the list goes on and on.

They look at the average height and weight of men, women and children in each country and base the RDA on the avg daily caloric intake. If you personally know of a far more specific and accurate way of calculating it for every single person , patent it and get paid. Simply denouncing something as semi science comes off ignorant
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Historically cannabis has done far less harm.... od and wait a bit you'll be fine....not so much with lots of things scientifically recommended...most of all pharma.