Medical pot excludes resin-based products


Well-Known Member
so sayeth the shepherd!

in case you wondering:

By Alia Beard RauThe Republic | azcentral.comFri Aug 30, 2013 9:59 PM
The Arizona Department of Health Services is kicking off a campaign to educate cardholders and dispensaries about which forms of marijuana are OK under the voter-approved Medical Marijuana Act and which are a felony to possess.

Director Will Humble said the act’s definitions differ from the state’s criminal code. So, while cardholders can legally buy what is defined as “usable marijuana” or any food product made from “usable marijuana,” they can be prosecuted for possessing products made by extracting resin from the plant.

Humble said he doesn’t know of any dispensaries selling products made by extracting resin.
“It’s kind of a subtle thing, but it could be really, really important to somebody’s liberty,” he said.
Changing the act to allow resins would require going back to the voters or persuading a majority of legislators to make the change.
It is simple even if MJ becomes legal they still need the war on drugs. They will make the medicine a pharmacuetical and then they can still keep all of the support necessary for the war on drugs.

Have we forgot the US has three patents on something that does not have medical value? Have you noticed they are preparing to make weed illegal but stop us from healing ourselves. There is no profit in healing your self and even worse Cancer is the biggest money maker so even when they create the "medicine' it will not be what we make.

Smoke and mirrors as pot will never be completely legal to much money will be lost to those lobby's that put people in power. Just think how many prisons would have to close, how many lawyers would not have work, how many counselors need to tell you how to save yourself from this evil drug ect ect.....
so sayeth the shepherd!

in case you wondering:

By Alia Beard RauThe Republic | azcentral.comFri Aug 30, 2013 9:59 PM
The Arizona Department of Health Services is kicking off a campaign to educate cardholders and dispensaries about which forms of marijuana are OK under the voter-approved Medical Marijuana Act and which are a felony to possess.

Director Will Humble said the act’s definitions differ from the state’s criminal code. So, while cardholders can legally buy what is defined as “usable marijuana” or any food product made from “usable marijuana,” they can be prosecuted for possessing products made by extracting resin from the plant.

Humble said he doesn’t know of any dispensaries selling products made by extracting resin.
“It’s kind of a subtle thing, but it could be really, really important to somebody’s liberty,” he said.
Changing the act to allow resins would require going back to the voters or persuading a majority of legislators to make the change.

humble doesn't know wtf hes talking about. every single edible in a dispensary right now is made by extracting resin.
lol just read the comments and Miles pretty much nailed it. except i think this is actually the part that needs to be stressed - under the definitions 8. “MARIJUANA” MEANS ALL PARTS OF ANY PLANT OF THE GENUS CANNABIS

how the hell does the state think some other definition applies when it's right there? not even the mixture or preparation really matters. marijuana is defined as ALL parts. not all parts, except resins. game over.:razz: the shit is legal clear as day if you can comprehend the meaning of ALL in the english language.

Here's the thing, the states criminal code stays in effect - IF you're not a patient, OR you violate the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act.

If you ARE a medical marijuana patient, then the AMMA applies.

The AMMA CLEARLY states what usable marijuana is and that includes 'ANY mixture or preparation thereof'.

36-2801. Definitions


How any rational person with an IQ above their age is able to come to the conclusion that extracting resin is not a mixture or preparation is either

a. completely ignorant as to how medical marijuana food or drink are made
b. has not read the definitions
c. a complete moron

In the opinions of Will Humble, I will assume it's likely a. Mostly because of this comment - "Humble said he doesn’t know of any dispensaries selling products made by extracting resin."

That right there is complete nonsense and here's why - EVERY edible being made in a dispensary right now is made by extracting resin. I'll use a marijuana infused cookie as an example -

To make one, you simply follow any cookie recipe with the exception of using cannabis infused butter. how do you make the butter? Simple. By melting that butter, adding 'useable marijuana' and letting it simmer at around 250 degrees. Doing this EXTRACTS THE RESIN and binds it to the fat in the butter. You then strain out the now useless, left over plant material, cool it and add it to any recipe.

Similar concepts are applied to nearly every medical marijuana food or drink recipe.
So the way I read this if I stick raw cannabis leaves into my juicer and it extracts juice (or resin under some a-holes definition), I'm curing my medical condition as the law intended but I'm a big bad ass criminal that needs to be arrested, prosecute and die and in their local jails according to our local gestapo...
So the way I read this if I stick raw cannabis leaves into my juicer and it extracts juice (or resin under some a-holes definition), I'm curing my medical condition as the law intended but I'm a big bad ass criminal that needs to be arrested, prosecute and die and in their local jails according to our local gestapo...
'this is why im colorado bound, fuck this desert hillbilly state!!
A new low for our officials. They just can't stand without having some sort of antidrug propaganda campaign based on bullshit. This time it is a dkrect flaunt of the actual law and a lack of clarification from the courts. There continues to be a vast disconect between the law a d its enforcement. That's why he used the words prosecuted and not convicted. The vile attempts to scare patients and attack our liberties are appalling.
lol just read the comments and Miles pretty much nailed it. except i think this is actually the part that needs to be stressed - under the definitions 8. “MARIJUANA” MEANS ALL PARTS OF ANY PLANT OF THE GENUS CANNABIS

how the hell does the state think some other definition applies when it's right there? not even the mixture or preparation really matters. marijuana is defined as ALL parts. not all parts, except resins. game over.:razz: the shit is legal clear as day if you can comprehend the meaning of ALL in the english language.

although lawyers always argue about what a word means, that is a good point. they are going to make somebody go to court to explain the error in their thinking.

they will fall back on the intent of the law. stating that the intent was not to allow hash etc.

it's a go to for gubments.

i used it a few times in fighting contract award protests.
I'm retired, 60 yrs old and have played the fight the gubnuts games a few times in my life...all for stupid stuff like bananas when I sold them to Walmart in AL and they closed me down because I couldn't sell them 4 bananas for $1 instead of by the pound. I won by getting the community behind and the local press, but people like our local politicians fighting a natural plant that does so much good for so many people annoys me.

There are too many fights left in this state for all the stupid word games like Will Humble mentions in his blog, and our stupid 'weed is against the law' idiot politician Montgomery, that I'm off to CO, or OR or WA when my caregiver cards expire in Dec....if they don't come and get me before that for helping my patients and myself have a better end of life than the big pharmy's offer us for their totally legal and addictive, bad side effects meds like loracets, percacets, darvacets and worst of all Oxycotin. If they do...lets battle!!

I see our federal govt. hem hawing around this (I'm sure because the financial gain from lobbyists), the local state is WAY against medical marijuana, prolly because their federally funded prisons are packed with $40K payments from the feds for a yr. for each of their marijuana prisoners.

Politicians and law and money have gotten out of control and we the people are dying because of it. It makes me angry, it makes me sick to my stomach, and a once, served in the military, 'proud to be an American' is now an OMG, this country is out of control...sooo sad.
any of you long time residents know the state wasn't gonna just "let" us have mmj. They would try to screw it up so they can can say " had didn't work"...just the way they designed the system
Sativex is now illegal in Arizona due to the new conundrum marijuana vs cannabis.
Any pharmacies with that product are in violation of the criminal code.
Sativex is now illegal in Arizona due to the new conundrum marijuana vs cannabis.
Any pharmacies with that product are in violation of the criminal code.

Sativex isn't carried anywhere in the US. I'm not 100% sure, but I think cannabis might have to be dropped to schedule 2 before it can even be sold anywhere.
It is simple even if MJ becomes legal they still need the war on drugs.

well it just so happens that Az is full of tweakers.......

my .02 cents
Regardless of how clueless or misinformed our Az gov't is, one thing is for damn sure, they know money. And free money is even better. Once the end of the year tax results come in from not only here, but from Colorado and Washington you guys are going to see a huge shift in thinking towards pot. Doesnt matter how red this state has become, money talks.....and yes Az is raking it in. Just sit in front of any dispensary for 20 minutes, traffic doesnt stop
I would not know. I have been getting my friends patients so they do not have to pay the high prices.

well yes, everyone who is in it for the lifestyle wants themselves and the people they know to get the best quality at the lowest prices. But you are aware that we make a very small minority when it comes to the amount of people who smoke. Those people who frequent the dispensaries most likely do not know anyone, or do not want anyone to know they smoke. For them, the dispensaries are turning out to be a life savor. My only issue with the dispensaries is the goddamned 25 mile rule. Other tha that, the are serving their purpose of providing meds and paying state taxes, it is giving cardholders an option. And the more taxes we bring in the closer legalization will come
And as much as I bitch about the dispensaries pricing, its still a little better than the alternative. Mexican brick stems and seeds, which fund the cartels and not Az
Definitely needs to be sorted by a court during a trial so precedent can be set.
Hubble can make rules not laws.