Medical Mushrooms - The Power of Fungi


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Oakland Decriminalizes Magic Mushrooms, Other Natural Psychedelics
June 5, 2019 6:01PM ET

"Oakland, California has become the second city in the United States to decriminalize the use and possession of psychedelic mushrooms, The Associated Press reports.

The Oakland City Council unanimously approved a resolution Tuesday night, just weeks after Denver voters narrowly approved a similar measure. Along with mushrooms containing psilocybin, the resolution also decriminalizes other psychedelics naturally derived from plants or fungi, such as ayahuasca, peyote and DMT. Synthetic psychedelics like LSD and MDMA, are still illegal."



Well-Known Member
What is the status of mushrooms in Canada? I know in the late 70's they were legal if wet, but illegal if dried...


Well-Known Member
What is the status of mushrooms in Canada? I know in the late 70's they were legal if wet, but illegal if dried...
Here is a 2010 discussion at shroomery:

According to tusca from above thread: "Fresh mushrooms where legal in Canada until 1997, but no longer is that the case. I have search through the all the B.C court search engine along with the federal supreme court."

Also from the thread:
"Summary: You cannot legally grow active mushrooms in Canada.
You cannot posses active mushrooms in Canada.

Grey areas:
A spore syringe may show intent to produce.
A spore print that may be used for identification purposes is not illegal but if found with equipment that may be used to produce mushrooms you may be screwed again."


Well-Known Member
How Long Until We Can Grow Medicinal Magic Mushrooms: An Investigation
A wave of studies say psychedelics can treat depression, end-of-life anxiety, addiction and more. So we asked experts when Canadians will be able to grow medicinal shrooms at home.

by Sarah Berman
Jan 7 2017, 3:00am

Just like with weed, a court challenge could force a decision on the issue. John Conroy was part of the legal team that helped strike down Canadian regulations that banned personal weed growing for medical purposes, and he sees some parallels to the case for psilocybin.

The fact that psychedelic mushrooms grow in the wild makes for a similarly interesting case, according to Conroy. He recalls a decade-old controversy over what to do when mushrooms showed up in farmer's fields. "I remember going to a meeting many years ago, when it was popular, and hearing people say 'So what am I supposed to do if the stuff grows wild in my fields? Do I have to smack 'em over the head?'"

But Conway says despite the legal parallels, he hasn't heard much interest in getting a challenge like that going. "To the best of my knowledge it would be similar to marijuana. You would need a doctor that's supportive," Conroy said, adding that there would probably need to be criminal charges brought against the mushroom grower. "Going into court, you could bring an Allard-type case forward."

When asked about obstacles, Conway said getting doctors on board to prescribe could be the hardest part. Most of them aren't into "whole plant" medicine, he said, and medical colleges have pushed back against marijuana policy reform.

But with weed setting the stage this year, both Haden and Conroy seemed to think mushrooms could follow a speedier path to home cultivation. Drawing comparison to other civil rights shifts, Haden sees an extended period of debate and protest leading up to several rapid changes in drug policy.

"When the balloon pops, it pops pretty darn quickly," he said. 'Cannabis was the first leaking of air out of the balloon."

Full article:


Well-Known Member
Cool, sign me up! :)

I'm pouring through the TEK thread...
LOL :lol:

Look at this thread:

I found someone today in Canada that is highly recommended and recent. I just e-transferred some money not long ago. (: By the time you are ready, I should have the news :wink:.....I'll have to PM that information to you or anyone else that is serious.

Got some bark and rue on the way too, from a different source :shock: :o lol..........just got the tracking number for it (:
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Experiences of ‘Ultimate Reality’ or ‘God’ Confer Lasting Benefits to Mental Health

People over the millennia have reported having deeply moving religious experiences either spontaneously or while under the influence of psychedelic substances such as psilocybin-containing mushrooms or the Amazonian brew ayahuasca, and a portion of those experiences have been encounters with what the person regards as “God” or “ultimate reality.” In a survey of thousands of people who reported having experienced personal encounters with God, Johns Hopkins researchers report that more than two-thirds of self-identified atheists shed that label after their encounter, regardless of whether it was spontaneous or while taking a psychedelic.

Moreover, the researchers say, a majority of respondents attributed lasting positive changes in their psychological health--e.g., life satisfaction, purpose and meaning--even decades after their initial experience.

“Experiences that people describe as encounters with God or a representative of God have been reported for thousands of years, and they likely form the basis of many of the world’s religions,” says lead researcher Roland Griffiths, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “And although modern Western medicine doesn’t typically consider ‘spiritual’ or ‘religious’ experiences as one of the tools in the arsenal against sickness, our findings suggest that these encounters often lead to improvements in mental health.”

Among other key findings:

  • About 75 percent of respondents in both the non-drug and psychedelics groups rated their “God encounter” experience as among the most meaningful and spiritually significant in their lifetime, and both groups attributed to it positive changes in life satisfaction, purpose and meaning.
  • Independent of psychedelics use, more than two-thirds of those who said they were atheists before the experience no longer identified as such afterward.
  • Most participants, in both the non-drug and psychedelics groups, reported vivid memories of the encounter experience, which frequently involved communication with some entity having the attributes of consciousness (approximately 70 percent), benevolence (approximately 75 percent), intelligence (approximately 80 percent), sacredness (approximately 75 percent) and eternal existence (approximately 70 percent).
  • Although both groups reported a decreased fear of death, 70 percent of participants in the psychedelics group reported this change, compared with 57 percent among non-drug respondents.
  • In both groups, about 15 percent of the respondents said their experience was the most psychologically challenging of their lives.
  • In the non-drug group, participants were most likely to choose “God” or “an emissary of God” (59 percent) as the best descriptor of their encounter, while the psychedelics group were most likely (55 percent) to choose “ultimate reality.”
Full article:


Well-Known Member
Looking for a Spiritual dose of psilocybe cubensis ? ...Remember "Set" and "Setting" too.

Terence McKenna: This Is How You Take Psilocybin Mushrooms

"The game doesn't begin until you reach 5 grams" - Terence McKenna :hug:
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