medical marijuana


Active Member
I also posted this in the medical section but there are very few posts so I doubt it will get answered. Sorry:dunce: That its in the wrong category Anyways:

I'm thinking about moving to California or another state where medical cannabis is legal since I have Bi-polar disorder and a disorder affecting my social skills, coordination, and sensitivity to my five senses: sensory issues.

How hard would it be for me to get a medical cannabis license in California and/or other medical marijuana states? The marijuana helps level my moods, put my thoughts together and be more optimistic, and it also helps with my sensitivity to sensory stimuli. I have documentation or my disorders.

What is the basic process? Maybe I'll go to a doc in california when i visit and see what he would think.

Are medical patients even aloud to grow in cali anyways?


Well-Known Member
I'm really sick of it too. I'm a cancer patient in NC. My oncologist advises me to smoke marijuana and says if it passes, I'll be instantly approved. They better pass this damn marijuana legislation coming up.


Active Member
I live in California. It is relatively easy to get a needed prescription. I know some folks with problems not too different from your own who have legal recommendations. Look up Proposition 215 for the medical conditions that warrant a recommendation for marijuana.

Medicann is a great place to start and have chains of clinics all over the State to help people get on the right track with the legal use of MJ. In my opinion they are reputable and have a 24 hour verification service that I have not seen fail. Gather your medical documentation, and schedule an appt. An hour or two later, you walk out with your recommendation (assuming the doc approves you), good for about a year. Head down to the nearest collective and sign up. Voila!

(P.S. I hope I am not violating any RIU terms by providing this information for a business - I don't work for Medicann, or have any vested interest in the company - just had a good experience and hope others do too. If I am, I apologize and will gladly remove the post.)


Active Member
Oh, and yes, you can grow in Cali if you are doing it legally - according to State law. Federal law still prohibits it in any state.


the law is as follows. note the last line which states that ANY condition from which you suffer and that cannabis offers relief from.

[SIZE=+1]Text of Prop. 215[/SIZE]Compassionate Use Act of 1996Health and Safety Code Section 11362.5
Sec. (1) a-b The people of the State of California hereby find and declare that the purposes of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 are as follows:
(A) To ensure that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes where the medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has determined that the person's health would benefit from the use of marijuana in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief.


Well-Known Member
if u go to cali u WILL get approved with medicann if u have documentation for all those things. they are awesome. and yes, u can grow