Medical Marijuana Users Suing Health Canada For Privacy Breach

i'M not getting pissy at anyone but when I keep saying it's about the privacy breach and not goldstar quit referring back to goldstar. I have nothing to say about Goldstar because it's only purpose is to get a number for how many people this truly affects. My opinion on the matter is just that, my opinion. And my opinion happens to be that sueing is usually a poor choice because most peopke don't stop and think who it really hurts. Just like when people sue over car accidents etc. the company never really pays because at the end of the day they just recoup their losses one way or another. I say stick it to them by finding a way to have MMJ removed from the control of HC and put back into the hands of the patients. Not by getting a few hundred bucks that in the long run will just cost more money paying the government legal fees and the 40 000 000 we have to pay back by losing government funding in some way or by having taxes raised.
Horrible analogy suing due to a car accident isn't the same in any way shape or form as what were suing for. Wtf do you want us to do? Just accept the mmpr and move on with life? No fucking way. The people who's privacy was breached can't sue for what you're suggesting anyways. Once again having mj stricken the from the criminal code will only happen via federal lawsuit. The few hundred buck is for privacy breach. Goldstars is for relief from this ridiculous hc bullshit.
it's actually a perfectly apt analogy in that the people paying the money in the end are the same people claiming damages. You will pay back what ever you get from the government. Also, I never said anything about accepting the mmpr and moving on. In fact, I said the exact opposite numerous times. The only thing I have said is that suing a government when you are a citizen of Canada is akin to sueing yourself at the end of the day. Now, if there were a personal lawsuit against Rona Ambrose and Harper that would be different in that they wouldn't be paying you with your own money.
Understood...but how do you keep them accountable? them out is obvious but looking for a different answer.
Just roll over and keep taking it up the ass?
Well first of all, you hound non Con MPs to get a vote of non confidence going against the Conservatives. You can also personally sue the individual responsible for gross neglegence for when they made the decision your rights don't matter. You can also have criminal charges filed.
Well first of all, you hound non Con MPs to get a vote of non confidence going against the Conservatives. You can also personally sue the individual responsible for gross neglegence for when they made the decision your rights don't matter. You can also have criminal charges filed.
Can't have vote of non confidence don't have the seats to do so. And you can't sue Ambrose or Harper. Or have them charged for passing regulation you don't like.
Well first of all, you hound non Con MPs to get a vote of non confidence going against the Conservatives. You can also personally sue the individual responsible for gross neglegence for when they made the decision your rights don't matter. You can also have criminal charges filed.

How would one find the person responsible?...Do you think they would have insurance to cover a claim of that magnitude?
No, you won't win but it will make the news. Just like the Goldstar you keep referring to. Also, you most definately can sue someone for the violation of rights, regardless who they are. ie the person at HC who ok'd using the labels on the envelopes.Same way that if I disclosed personal information about a client of mine I could personally be sued as well as the company I work for. The thing I mentioned about sueing Rona and Harper was meant to be taken as facetious but I guess I didn't communicate that we'll enough.
No, you won't win but it will make the news. Just like the Goldstar you keep referring to. Also, you most definately can sue someone for the violation of rights, regardless who they are. ie the person at HC who ok'd using the labels on the envelopes.Same way that if I disclosed personal information about a client of mine I could personally be sued as well as the company I work for. The thing I mentioned about sueing Rona and Harper was meant to be taken as facetious but I guess I didn't communicate that we'll enough.
Use pink font is you plan on being facetious in the future or goldenrod
a court order could be issue to disclose the process by which the mail outs were handled

I pay more to find out who made the decision to change the envelope, the person who wrote the letter, the person who stuffed the envelope, find out that HC doesn't have to disclose that information...
I don't think so...
I would listen to the lawyer's advice over yours....assuming you're not a lawyer.
I guess I should have handled my son's lawsuit myself and saved the 33% that the lawyers will take if we win.
Their projected cost for this suit is over 100k...they get nothing if we lose.
I guess I should have handled my son's lawsuit myself and saved the 33% that the lawyers will take if we win.
Their projected cost for this suit is over 100k...they get nothing if we lose.
The privacy breach is clear and undeniable. You and the others will win. How much each is another question. I'd pay the 33% of any cash settlement to have proper legal counsel reping me.
whatever guys...This is exactly why I hardly come here anymore. A few of you have made it very unpleasant to post because a simple airing of opinion quickly turns into a bitch fest and a few people playing the victim card. Have fun with your lawsuit, we're all paying for it. I guess sueing without thinking of the consequences is part of our culture these days. One last thing though. Asking a lawyer if you should sue is like asking a car salesman if you need a anew car...
whatever guys...This is exactly why I hardly come here anymore. A few of you have made it very unpleasant to post because a simple airing of opinion quickly turns into a bitch fest and a few people playing the victim card. Have fun with your lawsuit, we're all paying for it. I guess sueing without thinking of the consequences is part of our culture these days. One last thing though. Asking a lawyer if you should sue is like asking a car salesman if you need a anew car...
Where do you get off telling anyone not to sue for things? Hope you love your lp with thinking like yours you'll be stuck with them. Someone disagrees with you and you just can't properly defend your pov. I don't often agree with medcann but this one is a no brainer. No lawsuits no justice.
I'm not with an LP actually. that seems to be your go to statement when anyone disagrees with you. everyone is either a wannabe, shill, lp lover etc. And I'm not telling anyone what to do. The real question is where do you get off telling me how to feel about the situation ? I know you like to think you're the big swinging dick around here even though your posts have little substance and are rife with misinformation, aggressive posturing and contempt for fellow board members but just because you have a well deserved hate on for the government doesn't make you any sort of authority on anything. if anything your mind is clouded with anger and you're letting your rage get the best of you. All I was doing was having an open dialogue with people about alternative forms of resolution and since my opinions don't align perfectly with yours you go on the offensive. Just face it, sueing the government does not teach them a lesson of any kind. Having a bottomless pit of tax money to draw from means they are not worried about paying out settlements. God knows they have no problem wasting millions on lawyer fees for a losing battles or prohibition propaganda.
I'm not talking about Goldstar....I'm talking about the privacy breach lawsuit on behalf of every MMAR patient. And no I did not receive the letter. It took me many years to find a doc that would sign and I missed the MMAR cut off by a couple weeks. So, no don't have a basis to go into that suit but I was getting fucked by the MMPR until I took my health into my own hands.
I am one of the ones affected by the privacy breach and I am after financial compensation. Sucks that it's the taxpayer footing the bill, but we foot the bill for stupid government decisions everyday. Why should I not be financially compensated? Should the sick and mostly poor forego our compensation so it can be paid out to someone else they screwed over? You can bet if you were to cause a privacy breach that put people at risk, someone would be looking for payment from you. As for the amount, I've never heard $40,000 and in fact that figure can't be determined until the judge knows the actual damages being claimed. My guess is each letter recipient will get a lump sum, and then those that suffered loss of employment or a grow-rip etc., could claim for those damages.
I don't have a problem with peopke doing it. All I'm saying is the government doesn't care if they're being sued. That doesn't mean it's not important to the people it affected. The Harper government should be held accountable in a human rights tribunal. The beurocrats that ok'd the mail out should be sued personally so the next time the government asks it's peons to violate people's rights that employee knows there will be consequences to them blindly following orders. And HC needs to be removed from the equation. They don't care about health. They care about towing party lines and keeping their funding.
Exactly...personal accountability. Someone made the decision to use that envelope and that format. Everyone involved in it should be held to account. The problem is the politicians have immunity pretty much, and the most that we could hope for with employees is can't sue the individual...just the employer...I think.