medical marijuana stock


Well-Known Member
What are ur thought on medical marijuana stocks I seen about a hand full a yr or 2 ago Idk if they are still going or anything my phone wont let me check em at the moment but yea what r ur thoughts about investing in medical marijuana stocks


Well-Known Member
sounds risky to me the feds shut them down their taking everything they won't leave a dime they will even auction the building off


Well-Known Member
though if you own a stock and they reschedule weed than it will boom like all hell but I don't see that happening in the next four years


You might think more in terms of second derivatives, that is other things that would benefit from a change in weeds status.
Like this one, what if a state that is in trouble, like California actually starts taxing weed. It would be positive for state revenue and would be good for its credit worthiness and maybe lower the risk of default. So it might be a good time to look at state bonds, you can get a nice double tax free yield, the yield on new bonds will likely decrees when credit worthiness improves. Right now I can get about a 10% yield that is completely tax free :) Then I margin at about 50% against the bonds and sell cash secured puts in stuff like Exxon Mobile, Walmart, etc. - stuff you would not mind owning. When I get assigned I hold until I collect a dividend and then sell it back. Add another 5% to my yield for doing almost nothing.

This kind of thinking runs counter to the common heard, If you want really bad advice guaranteed to loose money listen to something like Newsmax. Think of how you would be doing if you leveraged up to the gills in early 2009 in equities, I did and am a 1 percenter now.

Here is another thought in this type of thinking, this is from this site:
At the macro level:
Govt spending equal to taxing is positive for nominal gdp, top line growth, etc.
Taxing removes spending power, but usually not as much as the total tax, as not all of that would have been spent. Govt spending is all spent by definition. So there is usually a ‘positive multiplier’.
Obamacare not only taxes and spends, but it deficit spends (at least according to the pundits), adding a bit more to nominal GDP.
I suggest you trade accordingly!


These are the mmj stocks I have on my watchlist.


Only one I am currently holding is rfmk with around $400. All of them are pretty risky but can def give out some huge returns if you get lucky.