Medical marijuana global news


Well-Known Member
For whatever reason I can't upload this...Google was on the news tonight....this is what the face of medical marijuana should look like I was told....


Well-Known Member
Not sure what story I'm looking for? I googled Global news for medical marijuana stories and the latest is from Dec.15.


Well-Known Member
these guys are only getting in because 10 million buys a lot of 80 cent or less shares.......
so by buying in at all 23 producers they will have no choice but to pick a few winners and losers.
they should have made it so none of these companies could sell public shares for the first ten years.
then we would see who was in it for the "patients" like they say or who is just a money grubbing whore.


Well-Known Member
That's the should have heard the shit show that ensued from that....but then it made me realize that that people don't get it at all. I actually defended the fucking LPs to my spouse...don't was to make a point....
I had that same thought reading some articles the last few days. It is amazing how little those who don't use mj know about our plight. Most are happy to parrot the tired 'stoner' stereotypes that have resulted from prohibition and the stigmatization of marijuana users. Enough is enough, we won't have a better time than the next few months to educate the non-users of it's value both as a medicine and a safe alternative to alcohol. Easy enough to say, but my parents (in their 70's) see ALL illegal drugs as equal...pot is no different than coke or heroin in their minds! Oh steps!


Well-Known Member
Oh this discussion went well beyond that....if you're going to call it medicine, then why should you be allowed to grow it? Should a heroin addict be allowed to grow poppies? I don't believe that lp's can't grow...I've seen it, it's being done in Colorado....since you say you don't get stoned, why wouldn't a pharmaceutical company coming up with a concentrate be a good thing? Then...why aren't you pushing WCB to pay for this? Bang my fucking head agianst the wall. I even tried putting into the context of comparing it to cigarettes and alcohol. Who called it Medical Marijuana?

But it's a double edged sword do you educate the brainwashed yet stay somewhat private...I don't know if I'm expressing that correctly...I could call our local papers and say hey I'm a med mari patient and it would be great if you could do a story on how fucked up the new system is, or the benefits I get from mj, but the fallout from that might not be worth spouse works too closely with government.


Well-Known Member
Oh this discussion went well beyond that....if you're going to call it medicine, then why should you be allowed to grow it? Should a heroin addict be allowed to grow poppies? I don't believe that lp's can't grow...I've seen it, it's being done in Colorado....since you say you don't get stoned, why wouldn't a pharmaceutical company coming up with a concentrate be a good thing? Then...why aren't you pushing WCB to pay for this? Bang my fucking head agianst the wall. I even tried putting into the context of comparing it to cigarettes and alcohol. Who called it Medical Marijuana?

But it's a double edged sword do you educate the brainwashed yet stay somewhat private...I don't know if I'm expressing that correctly...I could call our local papers and say hey I'm a med mari patient and it would be great if you could do a story on how fucked up the new system is, or the benefits I get from mj, but the fallout from that might not be worth spouse works too closely with government.
I hear ya...even though my employer knows, I can't be too vocal in a small town where parents bring their kids to the camp I caretake!


Well-Known Member
Heard another good stereo type.. This is a new one. Cannabis can cause leukemia in babies because they're brains are underdeveloped.

What? Lololol. That makes no sense. At all.


Well-Known Member
Heard another good stereo type.. This is a new one. Cannabis can cause leukemia in babies because they're brains are underdeveloped.

What? Lololol. That makes no sense. At all.

Your right bro that is one of the most ignorant things I have been hearing too. Especially when I know of a two year old boy who was sent home to die by the medical community and saved by phenix tear and RSO. He has actually been cancer free for a year now.

It's amazing how ignorance can run a muck...



Well-Known Member
Ten years ago or so canada seemed poised to become a pot friendly place then i think they realized the how difficult it is to profit off it while staying away politically.
Everyone wants to make heaps of money but no one wants to either admit they were wrong for a century or be known as stoner enablers.
Years ago it was threats and or thoughts of the fallout with the us border.
Now that some states are legalizing even for rec users you would think it should be easier.

My guess is canada will drag its feet til the legal states do all the heavy lifting and fix the problems
And report huge profits.
Governments cant ignore huge tax incomes.


Well-Known Member
Naaaa chris its been like this before harper.
Even commander fuck chin and the french retard were buried in the sand like ostriches.
I agree he hasnt helped and im sure one day things will change i just hope some of us are still alive to see it.