Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bill To Be Debated In Michigan Senate 3/11/14


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[h=1]Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bill To Be Debated In Michigan Senate[/h] Posted by Rick Thompson at 6:24 AM on March 10, 2014 Medical Marijuana Policy Add comments

LANSING- He said it to a Kalamazoo radio reporter. He told it to an Internet news journalist. Now the official word is out; the much-anticipated launch of the Senate debate over medical marijuana dispensaries will get underway on March 11, just as Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville said it would.On March 11 at 1PM, Richardville’s Government Operations Committee will convene to hear testimony on a pair of bills that passed the Michigan House by strong majorities. HB 4271, known as the Provisioning Centers Act, would protect the state’s over 100 existing marijuana distribution centers while allowing local communities the option to allow new ones to open- and to determine where and how those centers operate. HB 5104, the Concentrates Bill, would establish the legitimacy of liquid, topical and non-smoked forms of marijuana for legal use by the state’s 115,000 registered and certified medical marijuana patients.
HB 4271 was passed by the House with a vote of 95 in favor and 14 opposed. HB 5104 was approved by the House Representatives with an even stronger margin: 100 – 9.
Richardville decided this hearing would be “testimony only,” meaning the bills will be discussed but not voted on during Tuesday’s session. A lineup of Michigan marijuana advocacy organizations are preparing to testify after having been invited to participate in the hearing. Based on the testimony provided, Richardville could offer or adopt amendments to the bills, he could recommend that the Senate make changes to the bills in a ‘workgroup’ format, he could schedule a vote on the bills as written or choose to delay voting until later in the year.
Sen. Richardville (R- Monroe) is the most powerful man in the Michigan Senate. When two bills were passed in the House that would change the way medical marijuana is defined and distributed in Michigan, Richardville directed them to the Committee he chairs.
During Committee sessions in 2013 Richardville promised to give both bills, HB 4271 and HB 5104, a fair and prompt evaluation. Earlier this year Richardville told a Kalamazoo radio reporter that he would give the bills a hearing within the next 30 days. An MLive report quoted him as saying he would hear testimony in February or March. He has met all of those commitments.
This is the second distribution scheme heard by the Committee this legislative session. In November, Richardville introduced a bill to create a new medical marijuana program in the state,; that bill, SB 660, was rushed through the Senate and the House by state Republican leaders. Known as the pot-for-pharmacies bill, SB 660 was signed into law before the end of 2013 but will not become active until marijuana is no longer listed as a Schedule 1 drug under the federal Controlled Substances Act.
There have been no announcements or indications that a change in federal scheduling will take place during 2014.
Anyone wishing to submit written testimony, which will be incorporated into the written record for the bill(s) involved, should submit their letter to the Committee Secretary at:
[email protected]
Vaseline appreciated

They must being looking into putting a huge tax on the compassion centers I am sure...
Senator Rick Jones must be so mad that about these bills!

LANSING- *On Tuesday afternoon, before a standing-room only crowd of nearly 150 citizens, the Michigan Senate Government Operations Committee took testimony on the need for non-smoked forms of medical marijuana and localized distribution centers to service certified and registered patients.

Two bills that would enact new medical marijuana laws are under consideration in the Senate: HB 4271, The Provisioning Centers Act, and HB 5104, The Concentrates Bill. The*hour-and-a-half Committee meeting*featured an incoming and outgoing cast of Senators, a surprise announcement by the Michigan State Police, and moving testimony from some of Michigan’s medical marijuana patients and caregivers.

Rep. Callton: “Provisioning Centers are a solution for the here and now.”

At the outset Committee Chairman Richardville told the audience that some Senators had schedule requirements which limited the amount of time available for the day’s meeting. The Committee is composed of five Senators. Only three, the minimum needed to hold a committee meeting, were seated at the start of the session: Sens. Richardville, Whitmer and Meekhof. During the testimony Senator Hildenbrand arrived, and Senator Whitmer left for a short time before returning for the remainder of the testimony.

Parents and patients gave testimony on their actual experiences with medical marijuana, including several that chose to use CBD-based products to avoid any intoxicating effects. The need for non-smoked forms of cannabis by Michigan’s Medical Marihuana Program (MMP) participants was driven home to the legislators in several presentations.

Several pieces of testimony were remarkable and noteworthy.

Sen. Richardville, on the subject of the next round of debates: “Hopefully we will see them in the relative future.”

The Michigan State Police representative brought a gasp to the lips of many observers when she announced that her organization was now opposed to the two bills, and claimed that they had been in opposition when the bills were heard in the House just a few months ago. Those words rang hollow in the minds of many observers who heard that very representative give testimony on these bills in the House Judiciary Committee just a few months earlier.

During her testimony, the Sergeant named a long list of items that they wished to have amended in the bills before they could give their approval. Similarly, testimony from the man representing 45 local health departments brought up food safety issues regarding the production of certain items described in HB 5104.

Attorney John Targowski: “This is really about dignity.”

Support for the Provisioning centers Act came from an unexpected source: the Mayor of Montrose, Michigan. The Genesee County community is north of Flint, the city with the second largest number of medical marijuana distribution centers in the state. After sharing his personal story of a family member whose quality of life was dramatically improved in her final days through the use of medical marijuana, he told the story of his town and their experience with their dispensary, or Provisioning Center.

Mayor Ray Foust described how their Center operated without issues in his small town. “The people need this,” he told the Senators. His testimony supported HB 5104 as well; Foust told of marijuana capsules taken to alleviate pain by that family member.

Two of those called to testify came from great distance to address the Senate: John Targowski, former Michigan legal guru who now resides in California, and Anthony ‘Tony’ Ryan, a speaker from Arizona who represents Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Both men were eloquent in their support of both bills as written.

Sally Haines Lawler: I have an improved “range of motion and energy” from cannabis

Time limits forced the session to end before all that wished to speak were able to, but Richardville addressed the issue by ensuring that those who were not able to testify would be given priority during the next hearing. The session was conducted in a professional and respectful manner by the Chairman and the attendees, which included many ill children and those in wheelchairs.

A vote on the two bills was not taken on Tuesday, as the meeting was designated as ‘Testimony Only.’ At the conclusion of the session Richardville mentioned that there would need to be a workgroup established to work out the issues raised during testimony. When pressed by Senator Whitmer, Richardville opined that he hoped the work could be concluded by the end of April, which drew groans from the crowd. Whitmer suggested a timetable that would end the debates before the Senate’s scheduled summer break.

Source: TheCompassionChronicles.Com