Medical Marijuana Capsules-Anyone else having excellent benefits?


Hello, I have multiple sclerosis (ms) and started taking the capsules about 10 months ago. The capsules have both sativa and indica extracts. I noticed very quickly an improvement in my walking and the ability to lift my left leg. I am not on any other ms med's. I am actually extremely happy with what I have experienced with the capsules and was wondering if there are others out there finding the same results?


Well-Known Member
Please tell me more about these capsules. Made yourself or is someone marketing them? If oil in them, how much per capsule? Thanks.


I do not make them. I get them through my caregiver. I do not know the amounts of the cannabinoids that are in the capsules. I wish I could tell you more about the capsules, but I do not know:( But I absolutely notice a positive difference since starting them:) Are you in a state that you could get the capsules?


The capsules do have oil in them, due to the laws, they can only have 'x' amount of oil in them. I've wondered, if they could be stronger, what other improvements would result?


Well-Known Member
These capsules cannot be obtained, legally, where I live. I am a caregiver for an MS friend. I have made the oil and use it myself for sleeping (take it before I go to bed) and maintaining my health. My friend is in a large care home where nurses give her the mj, via vaporizer, in evening. She doesn't know anything about oil, as I have not brought it up, yet. She at times, asks for stronger mj, but it seems she means the type with more CBD, which I think I have it narrowed down, from what I have, to Early Wonder Skunk? I have been hunting for strains with a higher CBD and am sure I will find it. We have large fields of hemp growing here and I have been thinking that perhaps I could make some oil from it, put in capsules and have her try. The hemp has hardly any THC, but does have some CBD. I don't like using her as a test subject and the home she lives in would not approve, if they knew. Your positive results are encouraging and I am happy that you have found some relief. Could you ask your caregiver about the varieties used for the capsules, if he/she makes it? Thank you and get well T444.


I know what you mean about being a test subject, funny, I was one for Mayo Clinic for an Elan drug. They stopped the study due to a "strategic corp business decision".....
That's too bad that the capsules are illegal, they help so much. I absolutely would recommend them for her!!! I know that smoking helps with a number of issues, but the capsules are a different level of medicine. I noticed an improvement very quickly, I would love to hear the same for her:) My caregiver is away for a couple of weeks, when I find out more info about how they are made I'll post:) I do know that they prefer the higher CBD strains. Idk about Early Skunk Wonder. What are some of her issues? If she doesn't mind you saying:)
I'm so glad that you posted, I was hoping to reach others that I may be able to help(with info) :) Thanks for your well wishes.


Hello, My Dr.'s finally said 'they' do see an improvement with spasticity when ingesting cannabinoids.:lol: For me, that's huge! I don't know what other research they were referring to, but I know from my own experience that my walking, pain in my legs and body are all improved. But for the medical community to start to come around gives me hope. Or is this old news??