Medical Marijuana by Drew Carey


Well-Known Member
I JUST flew to and back from Arizona about 3 weeks ago. The airport security was EXTREAMLY simple and you can sneak just about anything on board still!!! Its pretty sad really. It's simple, just make sure that you dont have any metal on you!

My advice would be this... Dress simple on the flight. Don't wear a belt, or any jewelery you could set off at the metal detector, You might forget you have it on.

Secondly Don't carry change. It is easy to miss one coin and set the detector off.

Lastly Keep all your shit (Phone,Keys, Etc.) In ONE pocket... This way you know if you missed anything before you even enter the detector... Have it ready before you get to the conveyor as well so that it dont look sketch pulling everything outta one pocket.

Odds are you still wouldn't have any problems even if it did go off. It went off on my dad twice and they didn't search him.


Well-Known Member

Big up's to the open minded people fighting for cannabis. Truth hurts the ignorant.