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New Member
This clone was not looking great from the start. However so was her neighbor, same age, who is now taking up half my bloom tent. I've noticed heavy leaf distortion and necrosis on leaves old and young as well as an overall chlorosis. The kicker has been that its environment was identical to every other plant I've had in this setup, and all of the other ones have been loving it...

Soil: Roots Organics + transplant with Mykos
Container: 5gal smart pot
Water: Tap
Nutes: 1 drop/gal SuperThrive, 5ml/gal each of Root Organics Budda Grow, Trinity, Surge
Light: T5 4tube @6400k

I water with about 1.5gal of the above solution whenever the pots are obviously dry with the weight test.

I even flushed it a few times with just the SuperThrive and distilled water. What is going on here or is this plant just inherently diseased?


If you'd like some comparative shots to what I have in the same growing conditions as this has been in, check out my grow link.


Well-Known Member
Ph of water?

I'm not expert, but apart from the leaf you got in your hand I see no issues other then clawing which i think is usually from heat. When it gets hot, I get clawing


New Member
the drainage on these pots is what has lead me to believe it isn't overwatering, as well as the fact only water when its obviously dry weight pots (lift test). sometimes i don't water for 10 days, but the resemblance to the picture is super. Don't think it's heat either, as it's a well ventilated basement with constant moving air, if anything it'd be too cold. It's not in a tent and it's a florescent lighting source.

I'm not trying to get defensive, I wholeheartedly appreciate the responses. The purpling on the leaves initially lead me to believe it was a phosphorus deficiency, however all 3 of those nutrients contain available phosphorus and the soil alone is quite rich. It hasn't entered flowering yet which also would prevent me from settling on phosphorus depletion as the source of trouble.

Another thing I forgot to mention were that the leaves are crispy to the touch. This clone was weak when I got it originally, could it have been inherently diseased? Could the SuperThrive have killed the microbes thereby eliminating the plants ability to uptake those nutrients? As I mentioned, the main frustrater is that all of my other ladies are in the same medium, container and on the same light and nute diet, yet this is the only problem child! Grr!

I'm tossing it in the flowering tent today after a flush we'll see how it fairs. Any other input is appreciated and I will post up a new pic soon!


Well-Known Member
The Phosphorus deficiency is pretty severe, That could possibly be causing it to look over watered.
You say you flushed, that could have flush out nutrients.
Soil pH could be off locking out nutrients.
could have some problems with your roots.
5gl. pot, plants not that big, should have a lot of room for roots.
Low soil temps could cause lock out problems.
You could consider transplanting into new soil, get rid of the soil it's growing in now.


Well-Known Member
I did a little more looking around, it is a Phosphorus deficiency I'm 100% sure
Picture of (P) Def.