Medical Cannabis Did What? Saved A 2 Year Old!


King Tut
Yeah, it sucks that sheople are so blind. Been re-posting to FB 2-3X a day. With NO response. Actually, very LITTLE response. Fuckers!

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Bump--- These religious people are very superstitious --If Christianity had not suppressed science as witch craft we would be so much better off. Then you have big drug companies fighting it because they don't want you growing medicine they want you to buy it! But they don't have the patent on it. Like, you should buy licopene not eat tomatoes. Which by the way were considered poisonous till the 14th or 16th century. And we all know how tomatoes are for you.. It's the noids Foks you need to vote the ones who are fightin you out of office.
If you are too lazy then donate to the ones who do. Make sure you do it as a non taxation standpoint or the likes of. That is what the evil beast is up to now. Jack H had the right idea, don't fold for a qucik fix. If they are going to leaglize it don't let them do it half assed. Fight for your Rights Americans!!!!!!!!!!
KUDOS to the dad for printing this article on using the oil.. Scary as I am sure he was worried some zelous religious nut would try to take his baby from him.


Well-Known Member
Im little late to this.. but thanks for posting this! Im copying it to my facebook.. people cant deny the benefits Forever!