Medical benefits of Cannabis

Because humans consumed cannabis for 10,000 years, and than abruptly prohibited, it is possible that most, if not all, illness and disease in humans is caused by "Cannabis Deficiency Disorder"

When I find that I am suffering from CDD, I try to drive some cannabis into my system as quickly, and efficiently, as possible.
The list is to big! Helps with inflamation, stomach/digestive disorders, pain, sleep, auto immune diseases, depression, anxiety(depends on strain, as do most of these. It's all about finding what strain suits your issues best)
I had a friend with md a diseases that fucks your shit up . they smoke it makes them eat or they will starve to death seriously they want to throw there food up smoking allowed them to get hungry and digest food. . and they can rest takes away some of there pain for a relief . the disease killed them 2 years ago . under 29 ! there are also a lot of negative this medical anybody with heart issues should not smoke it also it causes heart beating out of sink every get a sore chest ? this is why you should stop using it . or risk a heart attack .
I had a friend with md a diseases that fucks your shit up . they smoke it makes them eat or they will starve to death seriously they want to throw there food up smoking allowed them to get hungry and digest food. . and they can rest takes away some of there pain for a relief . the disease killed them 2 years ago . under 29 ! there are also a lot of negative this medical anybody with heart issues should not smoke it also it causes heart beating out of sink every get a sore chest ? this is why you should stop using it . or risk a heart attack .