Did he go to the Muslim madrassa?The ugly morning girl on Fox News, Gretchen, was all over that cover yesterday. She was one of the crew that went on the air and said that Obama attended a "radical Muslim madrassa" for four years. Funny that she cries sexism while helping perpetuate the lie that he's a Muslim.
Thats where you get your political news from isn't it VI.............I get my political news from soldier of fortune magazine, for some reason they are biased in favor of Mccain.....................danmmm this media bias
No, it was a secular school; moreover, they accused the school of espousing Wahhabism. Nothing like raising doubts like a presidential candidate could be a jihadist ready to go Daniel Pearl on our cracker asses.Did he go to the Muslim madrassa?
Just asking ...
The ugly morning girl on Fox News, Gretchen, was all over that cover yesterday. She was one of the crew that went on the air and said that Obama attended a "radical Muslim madrassa" for four years. Funny that she cries sexism while helping perpetuate the lie that he's a Muslim.
Ricky Retardo and gay? I thought you had to be at least 18 y/o to sign up for this site. I think most the women on Fox are actually pretty hot, just not her. I highly doubt you speak Arabic, because you can barely type English. Since you claim to anyway, could you tell me what the word for school is in Arabic? Is it not madrasa? Furthermore, if madrasa Islamia means Islamic school, wouldn't what you contend be a bit redundant? He lived in Indonesia, not Pakistan. Can you please tell me what Pakistan has to do with this? If you'd like to infer that his school was preaching Wahhabism please provide evidence.wwooaaa wooaa woooa whos spinnin who??
gretchen the "Ugly morning girl"!!?
well buddy she was voted Miss America dumbass
now who is the real misleader, are you gay or somthin?
And since I speak Arabic, im gonna learn you somthin. madrassa means "muslin school" ricky retardo and you can confirm it below
Have you ever been to Pakistan my friend? and visited these types of schools? I know for a fact you have not, its apearant
Main Entry: ma·dras·saVariant(s): or ma·dra·sa also ma·dras·sah or ma·dra·sah \mə-ˈdra-sə, -ˈdrä-\ Function: noun Etymology: Arabic madrasa Date: 1662 : a Muslim school, college, or university that is often part of a mosque
You've got a very, very loose definition of media if you include Oprah and US Weekly.More bias ...
Fri Sep 05 2008 08:55:46 ET
Oprah Winfrey may have introduced Democrat Barack Obama to the women of America -- but the talkshow queen is not rushing to embrace the first woman on a Republican presidential ticket!
Oprah's staff is sharply divided on the merits of booking Sarah Palin, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.
"Half of her staff really wants Sarah Palin on," an insider explains. "Oprah's website is getting tons of requests to put her on, but Oprah and a couple of her top people are adamantly against it because of Obama."
One executive close to Winfrey is warning any Palin ban could ignite a dramatic backlash!
It is not clear if Oprah has softened her position after watching Palin's historic convention speech.
Last year, Winfrey blocked an appearance by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, timed to a promotional tour of his autobiography.
Oprah and executive producer Sheri Salata, who has contributed thousands of dollars to Obama's campaign, refused requests for comment.
And where does it say that she has to allow Sarah Palin on her show? It is her show. I thought you were all about freedom, what's up with this?More bias ...
Fri Sep 05 2008 08:55:46 ET
Oprah Winfrey may have introduced Democrat Barack Obama to the women of America -- but the talkshow queen is not rushing to embrace the first woman on a Republican presidential ticket!
Oprah's staff is sharply divided on the merits of booking Sarah Palin, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.
"Half of her staff really wants Sarah Palin on," an insider explains. "Oprah's website is getting tons of requests to put her on, but Oprah and a couple of her top people are adamantly against it because of Obama."
One executive close to Winfrey is warning any Palin ban could ignite a dramatic backlash!
It is not clear if Oprah has softened her position after watching Palin's historic convention speech.
Last year, Winfrey blocked an appearance by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, timed to a promotional tour of his autobiography.
Oprah and executive producer Sheri Salata, who has contributed thousands of dollars to Obama's campaign, refused requests for comment.