Medi Bud


Well-Known Member
These were taken about 4 weeks into flowering. The red light is from the 2 90w LED UFOs I'm using to supplement the 1000w HPS. Pictures don't do these babies justice--trichomes galore.



Active Member
What's up guys? I actually just received my order of 10 feminized Medi Bud seeds from and it came with 5 free afghan X mazar! Anyways, I think that the figure for yield that is up on the website is a typo. If you read the description, you'll notice that it says this plant is ideal for SOG; this leads me to believe that they actually mean 1200g/meter squared in an SOG set-up. I am extremely excited to see what they end up looking like; I have to wait for my current batch of females to finish up though (6th week of flowering). I'm thinking of doing a perpetual harvest with a DWC QuadPod with MediBud Clones.

Here's a quick shot of one of my fems in 6th week flowering!
Look at my album to see more of my Kolas!


Active Member
I'll chime in on this and say my micro-sog test of the medibud had interesting results.

The plant was harder to maintain than either the NL#5xHaze or the Thai Stick or the random bagseed I had in there.

However, the smoke was incredible. I literally sharted myself in my sleep after smoking a large bowl of this before I went to bed.

. . . enough said.


Active Member
I'll chime in on this and say my micro-sog test of the medibud had interesting results.

The plant was harder to maintain than either the NL#5xHaze or the Thai Stick or the random bagseed I had in there.

However, the smoke was incredible. I literally sharted myself in my sleep after smoking a large bowl of this before I went to bed.

. . . enough said.
Damn, that sounds awesome. I just started 4 of my femmed medi bud seeds for Mums. I'm using Al B. Fuct's perpetual SOG method ( with a DWC quad pod!

Pics, possibly journal soonish.:peace:


Active Member
hey i just harvested 6 medi bud that i helped my brother grow, he didnt get all that huge of yield, the plants themselfs are extremely resinous and stink very much during flowering, if you were looking forward to that huge yield i wouldnt get the strain


Well-Known Member
I am about to switch into flowering in 2-3 days and I have a few Medi Bud plants that I bought as feminized seeds. That will be great if they are potent. I've been smoking nothing but this crazy sativa strain for a while and can't wait to smoke some debilitating indica. I gotta give it to the sativa though. That stuff f*cks me up like crazy...


I have some pix posted of my medi bud grow k.... If you have specific questions i can try to answer....
As far as the comment on medi bud being sensitive to nutes; i ran mine at 1600ppm for 3 days before flowering (not entirely on purpose) and didn't have a single burnt tip.......... Hhhmmmmmmmmmm not so sensitive.... Heat however we'll get to them very quickly------------> ventilate


Well-Known Member
that image you posted isn't a link. It's the location on your hard disk. medi bud pics?? but I can verify that yes, they are sensitive to heat and are nutrient hungry little buggers. Mine have not burned and I feed on almost every water (1/2 - 3/4 strength).
i have about 3 weeks left in flowering my medi bud, and i can assure you it isnt a 1200g strain. ive been getting closer to 300-400g, so its still a good yealder, and the bud is definately worth it. its some stanky ass shit. and from my personal expeirience, it is really easy to grow, pretty idiot proof, which is saying alot for me. mine stay pretty short and bushy, about 26in or so at harvest. good luck with yours.


Active Member
hey guys, my brother grew this strain it was a real skunky bud but it deffinitly doesnt do no 1200g per plant, me and my brother thought they probably had some crazy awesome grower like Franko or Jorge Cervantes get 1200g off this strain, so that they tell can people that its a big yielder. possibly if its grown under optimal conditions by a skilled grower, but i doubt the common grower cant get that type of yield,thats just what i think anyway he just gave me his last 2 medi bud feminized seeds and i germinated one of em, i dont expect it to yield any more than my other plants but we will see!!!


Hi all.
I know this threads a bit old but I thought I’d throw my 10 cents in as I looked on here many a time a few months ago.

SWIM grew some medi-bud last summer with feminized seeds bought of He was a first time grower and lost several seedlings to stupid mistakes and was left with 3. After having spent days, maybe weeks about reading about how to grow properly he prepared a few holes outside 3 wide by 3 foot deep. In each hole was a 50/50 mix of cow manure and premium potting mix. Once a week during veg SWIM watered with all purpose fertilizer and did the same during flowering except it was a hydroponic solution specifically for flower plants. SWIM could not remember the ratio of the goodness inside.

Cut a long story short he ended up with 1 plant that yield about 90g but it had is stem snapped due to bad weather.
1 plant that was 7.5 foot tall and about 4 foot wide but very unfortunately it was a hermaphrodite and had to be discarded.
And last but most defiantly not least SWIMS favourite little lady was 6 foot tall and 4 foot wide. She ended up with about 520g juicy dried buds!!! I think that was a fair fuckin effort for SWIMS first grow.

A few things on this strain:
*In its first 2 month of growing outdoor it was very susceptible to heat. SWIM also had 2 afghanXmazar growing which he received as free seeds which were growing very well when the medi buds were wilting to the point of lying on the ground. This was watering heavily every second day in temperatures of about 104.
*Again in the first few months the medi was very susceptible to insects trying to eat it where as the afghan was not at all. This required weekly sprays of insecticide to keep them away.
*It took about 4 weeks longer to be ready to harvest than the Afghans.
*There is a very high flower to leaf ratio. So much so that the buds only really grew on the last quater of every branch as light could not penetrate through the canopy it created. I believe if SWIM tied branches down etc to let light in he could have ended up with a hell of a lot more bud.

Although I am no expert on the matter, from what SWIM told me about this strain it is definatly a winner when it comes to yield, especially seeing he got so much being a novice. However the afghan did look after itself a lot more; got about 120g per plant and was a hell of a lot stronger smoke. The medi definatly got you stoned and was enjoyable to talk to mates on but the afghan would just about make you shit yourself.

As for the 1200g per plant or whatever the web site says..... I honestly believe it to be possible. However you would have to really know your shit.

Hope this helps a few of you as I couldn’t fine much info on this strain either, lucky SWIM was so informative. Happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
Medi bud is a high CBD% compared to THC%
Of course he thought afghan got you higher because it has the "Normal" thc effects. What he does not know is that Heavy soothing calming high is also a High. Much more beneficial to the brain/body.
and i do believe its 1200grams per plant outside (dont quote me im not 100% sure ) a little bit lower yields inside but still very very impressive. SOG 5 of them inside and you will be laughing.. literally


I ordered 10 feminized medibud seeds and a few other strains. Started 1 medibud and 1 GDP 1 Colombian gold. After 5 wks of veg put in flower rm. in 3rd week and the medibud is 5ft tall 3ft wide with many branches each branch has 14 flowers. Running a DWC 600 watt hps general hydroponic nutes. The CG is tall but sparsely branched. The GDP is short 2ft but wide 2ft. The medibud flowers have a delicious grape jelly smell. I plan on getting this strain tested at Cannalytics when dried and cured. The plant needs ph adjusted 2 xs day. And 1 gal nute solution added daily. Change over weekly. Using 5 gal bucket DWC and the root ball is massive. No co2 supplement. Would love to see what this plant could do outdoors. As far as the 1200 gr per plant. Not with my 600w get about 1 to 1.5g per watt. The small leaves are covered in trichs.