• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Meaning of Dreams


This is all very interesting. Haha Ive had dreams where ive climaxed all over myself and my partner but told myself "not to worry its only a dream" or as a kid i would dream of getting a new toy or pokemon cards or something but towards the end i would realize im only dreaming and tried to use my new stuff before i awoke lol.

That 360 veiw thing is amazing! Ive only done it once very recently and at first it was accidental i was a little high laying in bed not very sleepy and was just attempting trying to see with my eyes closed, after a while when i became i little tired i realized i could see the area around me! For some reason I already knew I could travel onward and proceeded to scan the room carefully to see how detailed my vision actually was. Then I entered the next room and the next and so on I witnessed family members sleeping and my dad turning in his sleep. After i was done experimenting at the house I proceeded down the long street to my old neighborhood and I must of dozed of because I don't remember any thing else. Cool stuff. Sometimes when im laying down i can make myself feel extremely larger than my actual body or infinitely tiny.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm... to me, true lucidity gets rid of the trickery of the mind, the worries and anxieties felt. When becoming lucid, all my problems, worries and fears dissipate because i now realize i am in a dream. It is VERY possible to realize you are in a dream, and not be able to become fully lucid do to the strenuous nature of the dream.

Does this sort of thing happen often? Is it just with money, or with other things?
Alway about small change. And since I was 7 years old. I remember the first one very well. Quarters in the sand of the playground. Then it became more simi-lucid, as I got older, like "hey I'm still dreaming and there is still more coin, but this time it's under the edge of the house. The main emotional content is disappointment that I woke up without the money and then, wait, here's more. The lucidity drifts.


Well-Known Member
Man, i would go crazy.
I just go with it. Doesn't happen very often any more. I don't think dreams mean anything, and lucid dreaming is just more play of Self. Even the, my hands are full and I'll never make the flight, dreams are just puzzling not aggravating.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, maybe next time, try throwing the money away and say "i dont need that shit" I don't know.

Whats the best dream you've ever had? (This goes for everybody)


i had a dream the other night where my buddie and i were downhill running on a track in some kind of jungle and im in the lead when i notice that a cliff is up ahead and its all i can do to stop and i look over the edge and its way the hell down i turn to tell my buddie to stop and he smacks into me hurling over the cliff i mange to turn myself during the fall to brace for impact and im thinking oh fuckkkkk and bamm ooo i hit belly flop style and i laid there thinking fuck that sucked and i didnt move cuz for sure that had to fuck me up i could actually feel the cool mud on my face and like anyone whose crashed anything knowes you get up and start bending joint well shit i got and was unscathed turned to look up at my buddie and my alarm went off and woke me up


Well-Known Member
if anyone has this type of "experience" of lucid dreaming... to counteract the "excited" effect of the awareness that youre dreaming and once you realize you are dreaming so you dont have to accidentally wake yourself up...

in your lucidity, just "spin your body" and you will calm yourself down and be able to focus on pretty much anything... then your dream becomes your own little dreamworld... ;)

dont ask me why this works... it just does... and like a charm to boot... as i still to this day do not know why...

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
^very good advice Bliss, i do that sometimes too, or sometimes ill just look at my hands and concentrate on them really hard, that helps calm me down too. Sweet dream James! My grandma told me about a dream once that she had, she jumped off of a cliff to see what happens when you die in your dreams, and instead of smacking on the ground she just bounced right back up! lol. I have died in my dreams once, i was in this HUUUGE floating water park, and i was all sliding around'n stuff, well i got going too fast around a curve and i flew out, i smashed onto the ground and as soon as i hit my vision turned to 3rd person, and i was kinda like a video camera scrolling around my body, it was all bloodied and mangled up... at that point i was like ok, im gonna wake up now. Pretty craaaazy. Thanks for sharing dudes, i love talking about dreams.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
that happens to me , i will be in a super realistic dream , and something really crazy is about to happen and i can suddenly stop everything ,like a pause button everything in the dream just stops and all the focus will be on me , and ithink to myself, im dreaming and then i kind of hold my breath and try to wake myself up , sometimes i will wake up and think ,thank fuck for that , it was just a dream , then suddenly, i realise im still dreaming and that waking up was just a part of the dream , then its really really hard to wake yourself up , you cant click yourself out of the dream the dream just plays out , and you start thinking that this must be reality and its not a dream , because you can usually snap out of it , and then ive had the feeling of surrendering to the dream , you just suddenly dont care , you just suddenly say fuck it , kill me or whatever , i usually wake up shortly after saying fuck it .its like your not playing anymore so the dream kicks you out .
i allways get the best dreams when i stop smoking weed for a while , the dreams are crazy then .

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Sativa, you are absolutely right, ive experimented with this before. The less i smoke cannabis, the more my dream recall increases, and the easier it is for me to become lucid... i wish it wasnt like that. Its like i have to pick between my two most favorite things...

Sweet dream story btw, ive never not been able to wake up from a dream before, (accept for a few weeks back when i was 17 when i had some episodes of night terrors)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
EVER HAVE A DREAM WHERE YOU CANT MOVE FORWARDS , TO MOVE FORWARD YOU HAVE TO TRAVEL BACKWARDS , PULLING YOURSELF ALONG THE GROUND GRABBING HOLD OF ANYTHING YOU CAN FIND , USUALY CLUMPS OF GRASS THAT BREAK WHEN YOU GRAB THEM , THIS IS WHEN I SUDDENLY BECOME AWARE IM DREAMING IN MY DREAM, I CAN STAND UP AND TRY TO WALK FORWARDS BUT I CANT GET ANYWHERE I Am fighting against something that is dragging me back , so i decide to just let it take me , and that is when i can usually7 start doing whatever i like , for some reason i like massive falls or excelleration to the point it hurts your stomach and i can feel a tingling in my hips , its really6 easy to snap yourself out of that state , over thinking about things usually wakes you up , but ive learnt to make it last longer ,but its hard , sometimes i can wake up and then fall back to sleep and straight into that very same dream .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
other times i can get into lucid dreaming , when someone or something is chasing me and about to catch me , either a foreign soldier or animal or alien or something its just about to kill me when i find a hiding spot i dive into the hiding spot , and i can hear my breathing really loud and then i suddenly realise how shit the hiding spot is , i am aware im about to be eaten or shot or whatever and i suddenly realise im dreaming and can take controll , usualy just click out of that situation into something i like doing , like jumping off really tall places , you get a feeling thats like a 1000 times stronger than the best fair ride .sometimes i just let myself get eaten or shot and it just goes blank and i usually wake up soon after , allthough ive been stuck in that blackness , aware i want to wake up but just cant break out of the dream, its really panicking shit when you are fully aware your in a dream and fully aware you want to wake up but you just cant do it .


Well-Known Member
EVER HAVE A DREAM WHERE YOU CANT MOVE FORWARDS , TO MOVE FORWARD YOU HAVE TO TRAVEL BACKWARDS , PULLING YOURSELF ALONG THE GROUND GRABBING HOLD OF ANYTHING YOU CAN FIND , USUALY CLUMPS OF GRASS THAT BREAK WHEN YOU GRAB THEM , THIS IS WHEN I SUDDENLY BECOME AWARE IM DREAMING IN MY DREAM, I CAN STAND UP AND TRY TO WALK FORWARDS BUT I CANT GET ANYWHERE I Am fighting against something that is dragging me back , so i decide to just let it take me , and that is when i can usually7 start doing whatever i like , for some reason i like massive falls or excelleration to the point it hurts your stomach and i can feel a tingling in my hips , its really6 easy to snap yourself out of that state , over thinking about things usually wakes you up , but ive learnt to make it last longer ,but its hard , sometimes i can wake up and then fall back to sleep and straight into that very same dream .
Yeah, I've had variious forms of paralysis, dreaming that I've woken up can't move, something spooky about it. Or needing to run and can't quite keep from falling. Just stumbling and stumbling. But, the best is to just spread my arms in front so i can see my hands and just fly.
Dreams, we all have them. There is 2 in particular I wanna talk about then you guys can post yours!!

What do reoccurring dreams signify? What about dreams you had one time many years ago maybe even as a child but still vividly remember them?

Teeth Dream
Ive heard of many others having this same dream. It has no particular location and ends the same every time, my teeth fall out! It starts with a feeling of something in my mouth then i spit to realize my teeth are falling and i put my hand in my mouth and start taking them all out. I start to get scared wondering how my life is going to be toothless until i wake from the dream.

Sky Dreams
Usually taking place at my childhood home which i wish i can return to, this dream is about strange things in the sky. Ive had these dreams MANY times but each was diverse from the others.
On one occasion me and rapper "50 Cent" (yeah i know weird) were in my backyard starring up at ufo like phenomenon with lights and such.
Another time I was at some type of lighthouse location witnessing holographic looking dragon things surrounded by colorful auras fighting as if in a war of the worlds, their attacks sounded like fireworks.
A third time Im in my old house but there is no roof. This dream was one of those that i wish i could revisit, even after i woke up i was amazed by the vivid images presented to me. Their was sea creatures in the sky! They swam in the clouds, among them where giant snakes HUGE whales and strange creatures. The most amazing part was when the whale swam overhead and i looked up in awe. It felt so real.
In one dream I attempted to save the world from meteors. The sky was dark with shades of orange and red and meteors the size of cars were crashing down on earth and i was kicking them back up, yep kicking them.

I have lots more if anyone wants to hear them and id love to hear yours.
any interpretations of my dreams?

One more thing I had these dreams before i smoked weed or during a time where i had no erb for a good while, and during this time that im smoking quite a bit I fail to remember any good dreams, why is that?
I totally get the teeth falling out dream 4 or 5 times a year! Freaks me the hell out every damn time LOL I used to think, damn I must need to go to the dentist! D'ya ever wake from that dream & run your tongue over each tooth to be sure they are all still there, none got swallowed in your sleep? ; ) I also have weird dreams where I am back at an old childhood home but am my current age, they are all weird tho, which I suppose is why I recall them. ha! I find if I'm smoking right before bedtime (insomnia) no dreams that I can recall, but if I'm getting low & cut back on the amount I smoke, it seems the dreams seem to come back, but it's always the wierd confusing WTH?? type dream shiz LOL. But when I researched the teeth falling out meaning I found it could be about power or how you feel you are being perceived in an attractive way by others. But really, who the hell knows? sometimes I think the unconcious brain likes to f**k with us while we sleep, just to keep us wondering-lol. Here is what I found for you on Dream Moods (you can research the old house w/lights in the sky if ya want):
"Teeth are used to bite, tear, chew and gnaw. In this regard, teeth symbolize power. And the loss of teeth in your dream may be from a sense of powerlessness. Are you lacking power in some current situation? Perhaps you are having difficulties expressing yourself or getting your point across. You feel frustrated when your voice is not being heard. You may be experiencing feelings of inferiority and a lack of self-confidence in some situation or relationship in your life. This dream may be an indication that you need to be more assertive and believe in the importance of what you have to say."

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
i think sometimes i have dreams where my teeth crack or fall out because i dont brush my teeth as much as i should lol, and it could be a subconscious worry. most of the times when we dream regularly (not lucid) we dream of things that give us anxiety for some reason.. not sure why.


i think sometimes i have dreams where my teeth crack or fall out because i dont brush my teeth as much as i should lol, and it could be a subconscious worry. most of the times when we dream regularly (not lucid) we dream of things that give us anxiety for some reason.. not sure why.

Ah man, I just had a dream like that last night. In my dream I was grinding my teeth constantly and it felt horrible - but I couldn't stop doing it. I ground my teeth so much that one of them came loose and fell out of my mouth. It felt 100% real. I woke up and for a minute I thought it had actually happened. I genuinely felt relief when I realised it was a dream. Horrible :wall:

I always seem to get plane crash dreams too. My most recent one was a bit too vivid for comfort. I usually wake up just as the plane crashes... In this dream, the plane was rapidly heading towards the sea and I braced myself for impact, there was a huge crash, but then I was fine... In actuality, the moment of calm was just the plane briefly suspended in the air after 'bouncing' off the sea. A split second later, everything's twisting and turning, I see the sea inches away from my face and there's another huge crash, followed by an ominous, muffled underwater 'drone' as the plane goes under. I'm sure I experienced the "life flashing before your eyes" thing in that dream. I was on edge, and just didn't feel right at all for the whole day after waking up. Bad times :cry:

On a side note - I never have good, positive dreams. Always negative and shitty stuff.


Well-Known Member
Dreams are funny,they are illusory in their nature,we can control some dreams and others not so much.Everchanging with each new insight and dialogue with the self.I suppose that part of the imagery we see and often cant explain,has a possibility of being inherent from our DNA,this is just a thought I was having,im not stating actual facts but the plausibility of them being such dosent seem far fetched.As it was important for our survival that our awareness be heightened in past ages,dreams and the symbols often appearing are like warnings/messages of some sort to catch our attention to something going on in our lives(,could have something to do with the amount of personal will one had to survive,but i say that with theorhetical connotations as well).This trait has been handed down geneticaly for ages or so it seems to me,that specific experiences held by others in the past, could carry over as symbols within dreams for survival of certain aspects of ourselves that we deem necessary on a subconcious level.Perhaps there is a knowledge pool of our ancestors encoded within our DNA.It has yet to be proven in science though.Ever had thoughts during the day that seemed as though it came from another life?I dont know if anyone has these sort of thoughts,but in dreams i think its very possible that many of us do.


Active Member
latly i been thinking dreams dejavu and stuff like that are something that has or is happening to u in another life, dimension, universe..