Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!


Well-Known Member
Used organic bloodmeal with a strait 14-0-0 Nitrogen boost 4 times (twice a month) in veg, used a 10-5-5 Liquid feed twice (once a month) and used organic worm castings a few times when I watered as well.

I use a 10-15-10 Liquid plants solution now twice a month, and have used a small amount of the organic worm castings once as well. Will continue to use this through out the flowering of her.

I wanted some better stuff, but its working just fine for this grow, however next grow I will be ordering some Flora and fox farm products.


Active Member
Seen em, and to be honest I think Ill be fine with the CFL, I must say the beauty of CFL is placement. You Can literally have lights inches away from fan leaves, bud, and what not and after experimenting with fixed light and using CFL placement I can honestly say that I have seen more dramatic and better overall results with the use of CFLS, it might take a heck of a lot of lights, but in the end its still cheaper, easier, and yes ill say it more effective in my opinion.

PS - This is all based on the farmer knowing what there doing! ;-)
Hey man, no prop. CFLs are a great way to go and the lowe watt can be laid out nicely. Like I said though, if you are buying regular CFLs from home hardware type stores you are not going to get a full spectrum light. Could make a huge diffreance for keping things tight and hard, better oils as well. You can buy 13watt cfls from nursery or hydro stores, even off the net, but they are a full spectrum, healthy lighting they call them.


Well-Known Member
i am realy happy with fox farm and i love worm casting and they naturaly time release just how the worm shits them out. Ypu can have a small worm bin that uses up food waste from the kitchen and harvest your own worm castings? Its alot of work but I love it and its a constant supply of worm tea!!!


Well-Known Member
Used organic bloodmeal with a strait 14-0-0 Nitrogen boost 4 times (twice a month) in veg, used a 10-5-5 Liquid feed twice (once a month) and used organic worm castings a few times when I watered as well.

I use a 10-15-10 Liquid plants solution now twice a month, and have used a small amount of the organic worm castings once as well. Will continue to use this through out the flowering of her.

I wanted some better stuff, but its working just fine for this grow, however next grow I will be ordering some Flora and fox farm products.
sounds like a plan for the next grow ....deff keep me posted on that one....:joint:


Well-Known Member
roadguy, hey thanks! Im gonna look into those, I have never herd of them.

Kaya and Tech - Yea I def gonna use that again, and ill keep ya posted!


Well-Known Member
So its more than a month, is it ok to trim? There are some really small branches with small amounts of bud, but looked underdeveloped compared to the rest of the branches, and leafs don't look as healthy? Should I trim?


Well-Known Member

No one wants to help?

My gut tells me to but having a second opinion would def make me feel better.


Well-Known Member
I have no clue as I havent gotten that far... but why would you? How would you benefit from cutting part of the lower buds and leafs off?


Well-Known Member
I have no clue as I havent gotten that far... but why would you? How would you benefit from cutting part of the lower buds and leafs off?
Because I herd when you do this it allows the plant to redirect more of the energy it uses towards the faster developing buds on top. I mean if this is true then I just want a second opinion.


Well-Known Member
So than since im 3 days in flower... can I cut some of the lower damaged leaves from when they werent getting nutes? their like half green and half dead...