me and my friend smoke an oz


Too many brownies
When I was like 16 years old me and two friends with a nice big hookah and lots of tangerines sat down and smoked allllmost an oz....We would watch tv...then smoke...then hang out....then eat...then smoke. It took almost an entire day. We still had a few bowls left for the morning. It was a fun time and something we THOUGHT was cool....but definitely something I wouldnt try again hahahaha :spew:


Well-Known Member
whatever dude good for you but its a waste of weed and money. and it would take more then 6 hours come on what are you trying to prove. go make a new user name and come back with some truth. merry xmas lol


Too many brownies
And then i said, "i like my beer cold thank you".
Who the hell drinks cold beer...thats sick. You gotta get a 12 pack, make sure its cans not bottles and stick that thing in the microwave for about 5 minutes. Then enjoy while its still nice and warm.


Active Member
whatever dude good for you but its a waste of weed and money. and it would take more then 6 hours come on what are you trying to prove. go make a new user name and come back with some truth. merry xmas lol

I agree its a waste.

Wouldn't do it again.

and uhhh

the fuck you don't believe me.


Well-Known Member
You guys know who has the most bomb burritos?
Georges Burgers.
Get the bacon and egg breakfest burrito
IT IS THE BEST MUNCHIE FOOD(if not just the best food all around)EVER