MDMA not working?


Well-Known Member
Allright I just got an E for 16 euros and popped it about 5 hours ago, tasted a horrible sharp chemical taste although not bitter as I have read alot on the net. I didn't keep it long in my mouth so that may be why I didn't taste any bitterness. At one time the color red seemed to be very nice and bright but other than that nothing else happened. Right now I am on Valium(sedative), Anafranil(anti depressant), Fluanxol(anti-psychotic) and Tegretol(mood stabiliser).. could these medications keep me from rolling?


Well-Known Member
all that medication you are taking would most likely affect the mdma, expecially the anti depressant.....I definitely would not take E with all those meds, stick to reefer


Well-Known Member
that's pretty brave eating MDMA while on all those other drugs... you're lucky you weren't on a MAOI or a real SSRI... then you would have really needed the valium...


Active Member
Hmm well technically both MDMA and SSRIs affect the serotonin in your brain, so yeah I'd agree with hom36rown and stick to smoking ;) just thought i'd give ya my 2 cents, I was on SSRI's recently and dont think MDMA would have helped much :S then again no way to be sure of that....


Well-Known Member
Allright I just got an E for 16 euros and popped it about 5 hours ago, tasted a horrible sharp chemical taste although not bitter as I have read alot on the net. I didn't keep it long in my mouth so that may be why I didn't taste any bitterness. At one time the color red seemed to be very nice and bright but other than that nothing else happened. Right now I am on Valium(sedative), Anafranil(anti depressant), Fluanxol(anti-psychotic) and Tegretol(mood stabiliser).. could these medications keep me from rolling?
u custy, u gone end up derbin for rocks


Well-Known Member
Allright I just got an E for 16 euros and popped it about 5 hours ago, tasted a horrible sharp chemical taste although not bitter as I have read alot on the net. I didn't keep it long in my mouth so that may be why I didn't taste any bitterness. At one time the color red seemed to be very nice and bright but other than that nothing else happened. Right now I am on Valium(sedative), Anafranil(anti depressant), Fluanxol(anti-psychotic) and Tegretol(mood stabiliser).. could these medications keep me from rolling?
Talk about an overdose waiting to happen. Look man, if you can't get high on one drug.......I think its time to take your ass to REHAB cause you are officially an ADDICT. Not trying to be mean or anything but i've been around numerous people on drugs like you. Just think about it.


Well-Known Member
I just quit all the medication I was on and I rarely use drugs.. even weed (until I have my own harvests). I'm going to try E again on xmas eve and see what'll happen then.


Well-Known Member
E bomb is great stuff. Addictive though. I took 15 triple stacks the last time I did them and almost died. Haven't rolled since. Careful.

Shpongle Spores

Active Member
Taking 15 E pills is one of the dumbest things i've ever heard. Did you even test to see what was in them? You call them triple stacks and say it's something I know nothing about. double fail homie.


Well-Known Member
I obviously did not take them all at once. This was over a duration of about 6 hours. The dude that I got them from was the stamper and they were methamphetamine based. I popped 3 to start the roll. Whether you think it ridiculous or not, I've seen someone shoot 2 80mg OC's at one sitting and for some reason you think taking 15 pills is unheard of? I know whats ridiculous and what isn't, I wasn't arguing that fact.

Quad stacks (which are really hard to find) weigh .04g, Triple stacks weigh .03g and doubles only weight .02g. A stack is one hit of x or at least thats how they weigh it and distribute it here.

Whether you believe it or not, I wouldn't come on here to waste my time on lying about some stupid ecstasy pills and shit.

Why would I waste my valuable time writing some bullshit lies if you got this whole thing figured out bro?

Shpongle Spores

Active Member
Why would I waste my valuable time writing some bullshit lies if you got this whole thing figured out bro?
Well first, taking 15 E pills in 6 hours doesn't justify anything. That's still absolutely dumb. Taking 15 E's within 48 hours is still idiotic. Especially if they have meth in them. Second, there's no such thing as "stacks". It's a marketing thing to get you to pay more. Anyone could make a pill that weighs more by just adding more filler in it. Doesn't mean it has more mdma in it, or meth in your case. I've had small pills that blew bigger pills i've had out of the water. Third, I didn't say you were lying, I just said what you did was a complete and utter fail.