MDMA heart and health question


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am torn about the heart condition thing...
I think if you can avoid danceing like crazy.. and realy noone can dance before they had E the first time... you should be good.
Now that I'm getting a little older I enjoy takeing MDMA with a group of people and then socialising without my many inhibitions.
There is nothing quite like MDMA, its pretty awesome while its good... then it wears out and you realy feel kak, so you need another tab or alot of sleep.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am torn about the heart condition thing...
I think if you can avoid danceing like crazy.. and realy noone can dance before they had E the first time... you should be good.
Now that I'm getting a little older I enjoy takeing MDMA with a group of people and then socialising without my many inhibitions.
There is nothing quite like MDMA, its pretty awesome while its good... then it wears out and you realy feel kak, so you need another tab or alot of sleep.
After extensive use of ecstasy... the comedowns are absolutely dreadful! lots of sleep and an aching body ensues...


Active Member
what about the temperature thing? I always get a warmth (especially in the face) that sometimes bothers me on psychedelics. I don;t like being too hot and sweaty. Especially because I'm overweight I was worried about over heating.

By the way does anyone know any remedies to
a. lower body temperature
b. quickly lower blood pressure if gets too high (beta blockers were my first thought but I guess taking them with a stimulant or amphetamine can CAUSE heart attack or cardio problems)


Well-Known Member
body warmth can sometimes be a problem... drink some gatorade and try not to panic too much as psycho-somatic feelings can increase temperature much like anxiety or panic attacks can be somewhat contained if you train your mind to relax...


Well-Known Member
thizz is what it is:) but i wouldnt risk it, i had my run with thizzles, and i stopped. fun while it lasted tho!!!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
am I the only person who is happy when 1) coming down from e 2) the day(s) after? like seriously, I was depressed before I took it.. enoyed the evening, came down (vented all my bothersome thoughts), was happy, woke up happy. :-)


Well-Known Member
am I the only person who is happy when 1) coming down from e 2) the day(s) after? like seriously, I was depressed before I took it.. enoyed the evening, came down (vented all my bothersome thoughts), was happy, woke up happy. :-)
Coming down is just a state of transition like everything else in life... suck in your pity and depression goddamit :lol:


Active Member
when I said I had experience with amphetamines, I didn't mean meth (should have been specific) I have just done some ADD medications like amphetamine salts and adderal. As long as MDMA doesnt increase my BP and heart rate more than ADD medicines have, I should be fine. Coke does really rev up my body and I want to avoid that from now on, but the difference is coke gets you all amped up for a half hour whereas mdma does for some hours, which is a concern.

I know the risks and why I shouldnt do it, but Im beginning to become sick of psychedelics after a long relationship with them. Just looking for another great experience for special occasions
I used to lift weights on ecstacey, my heart rate would go up, because of the E and the weights, but i was all good- an i was told that this could strain my heart. Being on E coming up lifting weights cos of my frame of mind i'd really push myself,buzzing on mitsubishi's made me feel 4 times as strong! I wouldn't do that no more .


Well-Known Member
I used to lift weights on ecstacey, my heart rate would go up, because of the E and the weights, but i was all good- an i was told that this could strain my heart. Being on E coming up lifting weights cos of my frame of mind i'd really push myself,buzzing on mitsubishi's made me feel 4 times as strong! I wouldn't do that no more .
wtf. lifting. really. ahhhhhhh hahahaha.

no further comment:bigjoint:

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
am I the only person who is happy when 1) coming down from e 2) the day(s) after? like seriously, I was depressed before I took it.. enoyed the evening, came down (vented all my bothersome thoughts), was happy, woke up happy. :-)
I feel ya bro. I get that and all my friends hate me for it. Hah. But the next day everyone is complaining about this and that and I always feel refreshed and wonderful. Like I was still on a low low dose roll. I like to just drive for an hour or so in the morning or early day after rolling as the sun wakes me up, we'll blaze, and look at the beautiful landscapes.

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I used to lift weights on ecstacey, my heart rate would go up, because of the E and the weights, but i was all good- an i was told that this could strain my heart. Being on E coming up lifting weights cos of my frame of mind i'd really push myself,buzzing on mitsubishi's made me feel 4 times as strong! I wouldn't do that no more .
Yeah I did that one time and was addicted to working out for about 30 minutes and then realized that it probably is not good for me so I stopped. The first few times rolling, whenever I'd go upstairs I would run up the stairs as fast as I could and jump at the top. It felt amazing to use that energy


Well-Known Member
I feel ya bro. I get that and all my friends hate me for it. Hah. But the next day everyone is complaining about this and that and I always feel refreshed and wonderful. Like I was still on a low low dose roll. I like to just drive for an hour or so in the morning or early day after rolling as the sun wakes me up, we'll blaze, and look at the beautiful landscapes.
i normally just sleep a lot. its not bad or anything i just like to be lazy the next day.